So there’s this video that’s been seen 4.7 million times on Twitter and it originally came from TikTok. Though she says in the video that her husband said to just leave the videos up, it looks like her TikTok account is private now.
![Twitter avatar for @MrsJellySantos](
Playing Victim
This lady went onto the internet to complain. In other words, she laid out her victimhood in front of a crowd of people who love to play “savior.” She probably should have just talked about this privately with friends, but she chose to put it up for mentally unwell people to watch.
See there are loads of women out there who see men as evil. That is, they see men as the “persecutor” of women, the “victims.” Social Justice Warriors (SJW) like to go to battle for their “victims” to feel like they can rescue/save them and gain social media credits. They like to “cancel” anyone who they deem a “persecutor.”
If you are part of the woke cult, you likely see yourself as a Social Justice Warrior (rescuer) at all times. This is your raison d'être, your reason for being here. If you stopped caring about “victims” then you would not be “doing the work” and you’d be kicked out of the cult. And to stop going into rescuer mode would mean you stopped caring, to a cult member’s way of thinking anyway.
See if you don’t care about someone the way the woke cult wants you to care, then they’ll dehumanize you and label you a “persecutor” too. So you have to always be on, looking for ways to advance the cause and rescue the victims.
Blood in the Water
SJWs are like sharks waiting around to go after someone. She figuratively threw blood in the water by giving them an opportunity to label a man as “evil.” They couldn’t wait to get to work “rescuing” her by destroying him.
As a reminder, people are drawn to the drama triangle because they don’t take personal responsibility and don’t believe other people need to take personal responsibility either. They also have an external locus of control which means they believe things happen to them, rather than believing they have any personal control over what happens to them. This means they feel powerless internally. So they try to get power back externally. They love to do things that make them feel powerful because they lack that internal feeling of power that being personally responsible would give them.
This is why they jump at a chance to feel the rush of going after someone who is purely evil. They dehumanized him, remember? They do not believe there’s any humanity or any way in which he doesn’t deserve to be canceled. They have tunnel vision, finally finding someone to whom they can take out their frustrations with no consequences (because there’s no humanity in him). If they believed he was human with pros and cons they may feel some sort of twinge of guilt. But dehumanizing him into an evil persecutor means they won’t feel any guilt at all. This is guilt-free fun for them.
It’s Not About the Victims
So the SJWs try to get him fired. There is no thought of the woman, whom they used to think of as a “victim.” There’s no thought of the fact that they are harming her too. You can now understand and see that she was inconsequential. It was never about the “victim,” it was always about turning the man into an evil “persecutor” whom they could target without feeling guilty.
Extrapolate to Trump
In all drama triangles the “savior” is simply looking to feel powerful and useful (regardless of who the “victim” is which is why they can make up victims if no one is around). Is it really about Trump? No, they really just love having someone be so “evil” that they can feel powerful in hating him without feeling guilty.
Don’t Play Victim For SJWs
The only way to win is not to play drama games. You don’t want to get on an SJW’s radar if at all possible. Unrelated to SJWs, I’ve had a friend who considered me a victim when I didn’t feel like one and it sucks to have them out there trying to “save” you. I cannot even imagine what it’s like having cult members trying to “save” you with this sort of frenzy. Yes, it can backfire. Remember that I’ve said on the Disaffected Podcast that anyone who tries to “save” someone can come off as a “persecutor?” This is that in real life.
They started to “persecute” her home life because they tried to “save” her from her husband by getting him fired when he was the only one bringing in money for the family. Do you think they’ll just stop because she asked them to? It’s not about the victim. It’s about them. They don’t really care for the victims.
Extrapolate to BLM
The Democrats promote the whole Black Lives Matter movement. They act as if they’re trying to help them. It’s not about them. The “victims” (BLM in this case) don’t matter to the Democrats. It’s about the Democrats keeping power by always offering a carrot on a stick.
Extrapolate To All Drama
This happens everywhere, all of the time. Whenever you see a drama triangle, ask yourself does the “Savior” actually care about the health and well-being of the “victim” or are they just trying to feel powerful? Are they just trying to dehumanize some “persecutor” so they can feel powerful without guilt in taking out frustrations on them?