The Drama Triangle consists of three roles that people play, the “victim,” “savior” (AKA “rescuer”), and “persecutor.” I don’t think anyone wants to see themselves as the persecutor, but when they try to rescue others they become that to their mirrored drama triangle. They may not want to be seen as a persecutor but they sure do enjoy persecuting the dehumanized others.
People are getting some sort of psychological satisfaction out of playing these roles. So when someone who enjoys being a “rescuer” / “savior” notices that what they were fighting for was “solved” they look for more ways to save people. The following Twitter post explains it also:

No one is threatening you or trying to kill you, you histrionic maniacs. Everyday I get a new psychopath talking to me, telling me we better watch out because they're ready to defend themselves from genocide. "TRANS WOMEN AND MEN ARE ARMING UP AND TRAINING" I don't want your genocide, I want you to get help. Turn off your phones, you've been brainwashed. You're no longer safe, you're a terrible danger to yourself and those around you. Submit yourself for mental healthcare.
Transgerism and gender ideology is fake, fabricated. Up until fairly recently gender dysphoria was so rare there wasn't a trans rights movement because if you held a national meeting you could fill a large conference room at best. Want to know how we got here? The same way that every civil rights movement eventually turns into a radical superiority movement. Once the goal of "equality" is reached, the activists miss that feeling of fighting the good fight and they want to traverse more hurdles, even if they're made up. The LGBTQ+++927BDK started out as LGB, they wanted to be able to get married. No one else wanted it, Democrats or Republicans. Clinton or Obama when first in office felt marriage was between a man and a woman, like most of America. Then the movement to legalize gay marriage picked up steam. Democrat politicians realized they had a new marginalized base they could get votes from. They did the same thing with the Blacks, they never actually cared about them but they knew they could permanently secure the black vote by treating them like victims and giving them money. It's traditionally the democrat way of campaigning, creating victims and handing them bandaids. Well they got gay marriage pushed through, but now what? They have all this steam, no sense in wasting it, right?
Bake the cake was their next step. These gays searched and searched for a Christian bakery so they could be refused service because it went against their religion. They won. From baking the cake came "trans women are women", from that came "if you won't suck a lady penis you're a bigot", then they evolved to "we want to twerk in your toddlers face and read them stories dressed like demons". Now? "We want to neuter your child".
Rational people rejected this, but unfortunately the liberal woman embraced this. Every single liberal became obsessed with keeping up with the Jones in terms of ridiculous progressive behavior. "Oh your sons gay? Well mine is actually a girl". These sick freaks of mothers, satanic criminals started brainwashing their sons and daughters just so they could fit in with the other maniacs.
The kids who didn't get completely brainwashed... they call themselves non binary just to fit in. This spiraled and to the younger generation, I'm sorry we as adults let you down. They likely won't ever come back from this and with a suicide rate nearing 50%, many won't even have time to try.
So stop threatening me, no one should be scared of you but helpless children. We aren't hunting you, we don't even want to look at you, as you represent our failure and what America has turned into. No one is scared that you're armed and ready, the only ones who should fear you are women in restrooms and kids. Your threats are pathetic, your movement will be erased when you no longer have access to our kids and we will return to normal since most of you can no longer breed. No one cares about your outrage and the more insane you act the faster this will be over. Normal mentally sound Americans are waking up, we're tired of playing this deranged theater. Go get help, get some mood stabilizers, turn off your phone, find God.
To the parents pushing this, you are evil to a level that is unrecognizable. To the doctors, you are criminals. To the victims, save yourself while you still can. Your lifestyle is self destructive and miserable. Stop recruiting, leave children alone.
From 9mmSMG on Twitter
Democrats are the party of the “Savior” and they drool over the people feeling like “victims” to whom they can play savior.
This is why the Democrat party will never want people to find freedom via personal responsibility.
Reminds me of this C.S. Lewis quote:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
Social issues are usually just distractions, until they start causing real world problems.
Take the “trans movement” for example.
Who would have assumed, (5) years ago, that today would be discussing books about masturbation -- in elementary schools? Not only that, but that there are live shows, at public libraries, where grown men are waving dildos in the faces of young children. And this behavior is considered acceptable?
Do I think that all “progressives,” want this for their children. Absolutely not.
But I do think that there’s a political interest and narrative that’s driving this. Otherwise there wouldn’t be an institutionalized government response.
The California legislature is paving the way to remove children from the homes of Californians that don’t/won’t support gender affirming treatments for their children.
Now Washington State just passed a bill to literally take children from their parents if they don't consent to gender affirming surgery for their child.
That is something to be worried about.
Social issues are often not the end of the world, but sometimes they morph. Throughout history things that started small grew into larger movements that lead to horrible outcomes.
Thinking that things will just blow over or, “They’ll never do that,” is why the US is about to lose its reserve currency status. Lately there are a hell of a lot of things that “They would never do” that they ARE doing.
Which begs the question, “Why pass legislation to allow for things that nobody is going to do?” 🤔