This morning Donald Trump posted on Truth Social about likely getting arrested and wanted his followers to protest if it happens. He should know better about putting the word “peacefully” in front of “protest.” He wrote in all caps and left that word out this morning, leaving many to think of violent protests. Not that they wouldn’t have “inferred” or plain lied about Trump really being after violent protests even if he did say “peaceful” since that’s exactly what they did on January 6th.
First, even if you couldn’t read English, you can tell he’s angry because he’s writing in all caps. People should realize when they feel tempted to write in all caps that maybe now is not a good time to write on social media. It is a sign to work on things internally. If you won’t work on controlling your emotions, they will control you.
Drama Triangle Games
The left wants you focused inside of their drama triangle. I wrote a bit about it on Twitter this morning concerning Critical Race Applied Praxis (CRAP) in schools.

In it I discuss how the left sees things in their drama triangle where certain people are “victims” and others are “persecutors” and you can be a “savior” or “ally” with them. If you are not seeing things through their perspective in that drama triangle, you will be dehumanized and labeled a “persecutor.”

The thread is about their views on race, but they play these drama triangles with every person they talk about and with every issue that comes up. We all know they claim Trump is a racist. So even on that issue, you can clearly see he is a “persecutor” to them. They call him misogynistic where women might be seen as “victims” of Trump. I’m sure they have plenty more “victims” for Trump to have “persecuted” on other issues.
The big drama with Trump now is that he tried to “foment an insurrection” against “democracy” (victim). Never mind that the US is a constitutional republic. They live in their own parallel reality where we have a democracy and he came to destroy it.
Being the big, bad scapegoat for half of the US has got to take a toll on a person. It’s unsurprising that he cares what they think and do and thus got dragged into the drama.
If you spend enough time projecting outward, hating, lying about, and torturing a person because you think they’re the “persecutor” eventually that person is going to strike back against their “persecutor” who is you. That’s our animalistic behavior.
The only way to not get embroiled in that drama is to rise above animalistic instincts, take personal responsibility for your emotions, and get out of the drama triangle. Most people who do that do it because of their faith in God, but I know atheists who do want to rise out of it also.
Trump doesn’t want to rise out of his emotions, and it’s only natural to want to fight back against someone fighting against you. This is how Democrats and Republicans mirror each other’s drama triangles.
That’s also why the Libertarians resemble people outside of the drama triangle. Notice how Libertarians are more likely to be labeled the “persecutor” (by both Republicans & Democrats) even when they simply want to get out of the drama of controlling what others do. It’s what I noted above. If you won’t see things through their drama triangle lens/perspective then you are automatically labeled the “persecutor” in their personal drama triangle perspective.
The Drama Triangle Mirror
Trump is emotional and caught up in the drama triangle, and many of his supporters are too because they feel powerless. To Trump, he is a victim and Democrats are the persecutors who are destroying the Constitutional Republic. The “patriots” also feel this way. To the Democrats, they are the victims and Trump is the persecutor who wants to destroy their Democracy. They are mirroring each other.
Anyone, even if they are normally considered left-leaning, will be put as a “Persecutor” if they try to defend Trump to a Democrat. So many Democrats will go along with lies simply because they don’t want to be seen as a “Trump Supporter.” This is why Democrats have become basically a cult-like mob. You cannot suggest for a second that maybe the Democrats are going too hard on Trump, because he’s “basically Hitler.” In other words, they’ve dehumanized him enough to vermin that they cannot and will not hear that he has any kind of humanity to him. And, if you try to defend him, you must not have any humanity in you either.
As I’ve said before when you try to “save” people who don’t feel they need to be rescued from someone else, you end up “persecuting” people yourself. This is because you’re basically projecting your issues onto the scapegoat rather than doing any kind of inward reflection. Notice, I started this article saying the same thing about Trump.
It’s the people who do inward reflection and take personal responsibility who don’t feel the need to scapegoat others and won’t turn into persecutors.
What you Resist Persists
Whatever you feel the need to resist inside of yourself and project onto others will become larger and larger the more you resist it. This is why I predicted that anti-vaxxers would get larger back before 2020. You can predict this and look like Cassandra, warning people, and having no one listen to you if you understand this fact. There was a war on anti-vaxxers prior to 2020. Because they kept fighting against them, censoring them everywhere, mandating vaccines against their beliefs, and falsely labeling others as “anti-vax” for just having questions, more and more people woke up to what was going on and became anti-vax. It’s fighting against them that created more.
So, as I stated in that Twitter thread this morning, fighting against white supremacy with more racism will only result in more white supremacist views. Most people will only take so much abuse until they decide to fight back. And, yes, most people are stuck in the drama triangle and ready to rumble.
This leads me to “Patriots” and Trump. They’ve been demonized, and Democrats fighting against them will just create more of them. Democrats have been turning against their own (those who simply have questions or love truth) which is why so many have chosen to #walkaway. Imagine being a liberal Democrat and being told you’re “alt-right” simply for loving truth or still wanting to defend freedom of speech. When those people leave the Democrat Party where do they go? So they may not call themselves patriots or Trump supporters (who can blame them?), but they’re the ones being turned on by Democrats. That demonized group is growing in large numbers right now.
If everyone could stop projecting their issues and do some inward reflection we could stop the war that’s happening between these two mirroring, dueling drama triangles. But since everyone has to hit rock bottom and take personal responsibility in order to do that, it won’t happen.
We can’t “save” them. They will fight it out until they do hit rock bottom and take personal responsibility and self-reflect. They’re not self-reflecting, they’re projecting outward which is why the reflection is out there in the world for us to see.
You don’t have to play their drama triangle games. But I would suggest, as best as you can, to get out of their way as things will only intensify. They are egging each other on and going along with it only creates more of what they don’t want.
Law of Attraction & Scapegoats
This is why I believe in the “law of attraction” because it is so clearly happening and easy to understand why it works. Whatever we are feeling inside is creating our perception of the world around us. People are projecting everything they don’t want to deal with onto their “persecutors” to scapegoat them. In the bible, the scapegoat symbolically took on the “sins” of others. The scapegoat would be sent off to die. Guess what? You can’t do that. You can’t put your sins onto others and expect them to magically disappear.
The world is designed to reflect back to you every impurity so you can get rid of the impurities. And if you scapegoat, the world will simply reflect back your impurity stronger and stronger until you finally deal with it. Once you deal with it internally, the world stops reflecting it back to you through others.
This is why personal responsibility and cleaning ourselves will free us. If you’re interested in learning more about the law of attraction from my perspective you can subscribe to that substack by clicking here. And below are a couple of posts that drama triangle readers may be more interested in:
Yes, writing in "all caps" is not a good idea and if the person writing is truly experiencing such emotions it's a good idea to write it out (privately), go meditate (or whatever calms you), sleep, re-read what you wrote. Consider the situation, consider the message you want to send.
Yes, Trump has been the ("left's") scapegoat for everything bad. It's actually one reason he is not a good candidate for president again. We need to leave the drama behind.
However, a lot of people are drawn to Trump because they like him "telling it like it is" without filtering his words. He certainly is not a typical "politician". In my eyes, that is a *good* thing. We don't need more politicians lying to us. We need courageous leaders that will speak their opinions and we, the voters, should be able to select (elect) the opinions we feel are justified and needed at the time.
Is this predicted "arrest" just a distraction to take the focus of the public off the financial collapse?
You are the first thinker on Substack I have met who also has TWO stacks instead of one.
I am at and
It is lovely to cross paths with you on notes!