Gnosticism & Transgender Drama
How "Gendered Souls" in the Transgender Belief System Relate to Gnosticism
Gnostics believed that this world was created by either an incompetent God (who made mistakes) or an evil God (who created an evil world with malice). Before I ever knew about the drama triangle I knew this belief system rubbed me the wrong way. I just didn’t know why exactly. So I want to explain it in this substack article. I’ll explain the Christian Gnostic view first and then relate it to the Transgender belief system.
Christian Gnostics
Gnosticism paints the creator god as the persecutor in the Drama triangle. The Gnostics believed that there was a spark of a higher God inside of them. This higher God and Jesus (who they believed came to lead us to the higher God) were seen as pure, good, and true. They would be the “saviors” in the Drama Triangle.
If you’re interested in the more mainstream Christian beliefs, I did write about how it relates to the Drama Triangle in the substack below:
Christian Gnostic Beliefs about YHWH
I’ve had discussions with current-day Gnostics who claim that YHWH in the Old Testament is the demiurge and Christ came to lead us to a different God. But I’ve explained that Jesus claimed YHWH was his God.
Drama Roles for Gnostic Christians
So, the Christian Gnostics view the Demiurge as the persecutor, and they believe Jesus came to save them from the Demiurge by teaching them of the divine spark within. They believe that all humans are stuck in “bad” physical bodies. They view the bodies as weak, damaged, and frail. They also believed themselves to be a divine spark imprisoned in these “bad” bodies. They have taken on the victim role.
Transgender Belief System
I recorded a video yesterday comparing the Transgender belief system to the Gnostic belief system. You can watch the video below. I start really getting into the similarities around 9 minutes into it.
Some Commonalities
They believe the physical body is "bad." They believe there is a mismatch between their spirit or soul and their physical body.
They believe they have obtained a special understanding (or gnosis) that their spirit or soul doesn't match with the body/sex they were "assigned" at birth.
This knowledge (gnosis) is not understood by unbelievers.
They believe they have to die to reach their perfect state (this is why they call it deadnaming to use their birth name after transition)
They believe they have to strip off the consciousness of the physical body to experience peace.
Drama With Transgenderism
Now that I’ve explained how it relates to the Gnostic belief system, let’s look at the Drama Triangle roles again.
Who’s the “Persecutor”?
It depends on the person. Maybe they do believe there is an evil God who put them into the wrong body. Maybe they think that “mother nature” just accidentally put them into the wrong body. Maybe they blame their parents. I am sure there are many beliefs out there. This would be a good question to ask someone who feels this way. I don’t know how many people have thought about this.
Parents who won’t affirm their children’s beliefs will be painted as “persecutors” by social justice warriors.
The Victim
Obviously, people who feel as if they are trapped in the wrong body will feel like victims. They feel as if they’ve been imprisoned in a body that doesn’t match how they feel on the inside. So they will look to be saved from this predicament.
The Savior
Social Justice Warriors play “savior” trying to save the children from parents who won’t affirm their beliefs. And, once again, the savior is the pharmaceutical companies and doctors. In the substack below I discuss how the abortion and vaccine industries all have Big Pharma and Doctors in the “Savior” role.
All of the hospitals, gender clinics, and doctors performing these gender affirmation surgeries on people are trying to “save” the supposed “victims.” If the “victim” was born in the wrong body, they are taken to someone who can change their body to match how they feel inside. You can think of Big Pharma practitioners as their ministers or priests and hormone therapies as a sacrament.
Do They Know?
Does anyone know or see this? I know James Lindsay has spoken about how it’s related to Gnosticism. Much of the woke belief system is. I did briefly touch on how the belief in systemic racism is Gnostic in my video above.
But I wonder how many people who believe that there are gendered souls and that people can be born into the wrong body know how Gnostic of a belief system it is?
Beliefs Shouldn’t Be Taught As Fact In School
The idea that someone can have a different gendered soul than their body is a belief that many people don’t share. Teaching it as if it is fact in public school is a combination of church and state. It is illegal.
I have written about how public schools can teach all beliefs, but shouldn’t teach beliefs as if they are facts before. Check out that article if you’re interested in learning more about woke beliefs they teach as if they are facts.
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I can see Gnosticism has had a great influence on our modern spiritual world view - although haven't spent the time formulating a solid thesis about it - I suspect James Lindsay has.
Appreciate your post on this and the video content you've produced. Well done.
Regarding persecutors, from my experience interacting with trans-identifying people, what I sense is a collective contempt for people who are confident, fulfilled, popular, and successful. “Normies,” to use the nomenclature of mid 2000s 4Chan. For whatever reason they feel isolated and rejected by society. Makes sense, considering that we now know that gay, autistic, and deeply traumatized people are drastically over represented within the cohort of the so called trans children receiving treatment from Tavistock. They’re desperate to find the right combination to pick the lock of social acceptance, or at least an explanation/excuse for why they’ve always felt left different and wrong. They cherish and covet all the labels and stereotypes because they perceive them as ready made identities that they can simply try on and try out. Of course,TERFs are the most evil persecutors of all, because their resistance breaks the emersion. For the autogynephiles, which is very likely almost all of the men, TERFs are a blunt reminder that they are violating strangers by performing their paraphilia in public. This shame, and the narcissistic rage that immediately follows, is what I see whenever I watch videos of their extreme and violent reactions.
What do you think? I’m interested to hear your own thoughts/theories on the subject.