Hazelbrook Middle School's Assault & Abusive Environment
The School District's Response Breeds Abuse
I’m going to share a video of the assault that happened at Hazelbrook Middle School in Tualatin, Oregon. You can read more about the story on Reduxx and that’s where the videos originally came from. It’s great that it was caught on camera.
Some have called it a “fight” which ignores that this girl who was beaten was walking away calmly and not engaging in fight behavior. She was assaulted and went into a protective stance and was more focused on her heart beating fast than trying to “attack” back. This was not a fight. It was assault. People should be very clear on the terminology here. Anyone trying to say it was “just a fight” is shifting half of the responsibility from the attacker to the attacked simply from that word choice. It was assault.
The school district will not release the sex of the attacker because he is a minor. According to this tweet, the mother of the abused girl says the abuser is Juan, a male. I have no way to verify if that is the mother. There was some debate on Twitter over whether or not this was a transgender, and what sex to what gender, etc.
The focus on whether or not the attacker is transgender doesn’t actually matter to me in this case. This shouldn’t be happening in school regardless. It may be more likely that if you let someone get away with lying about their sex, then you are enabling them to lie about “who started what” and are thus enabling more dangerous behaviors, but, again, the end result is the same, children in this school are exposed to assault.
When I first saw this video I thought the parents were abusive for leaving their child with this feral child. I see that the parents are suing and I hope they are getting their daughter out of that environment, now that they know. I should be a little more lenient since I understand that people are so accustomed to abuse tactics that they won’t and can’t notice it until it slaps them personally in the face so hard it traumatizes their child.
In the United States, we are living in an abusive society. And if you are not well versed in abuse tactics (like most aren’t), you won’t notice it because you are so accustomed to it. And the abuser never wants you to know they are an abuser, so they won’t inform you of their abuse tactics and how abuse works.
Schools that accept this “transgender” nonsense are gaslighting people when they try to claim that one can change sex. They want you to believe that you are crazy if you don’t believe that. And that’s most if not all schools these days. But this didn’t creep out of nowhere. Abusers also try to get you away from a loving family and they sow discord by telling children to keep secrets from their family. The list could go on and on.
In the video above you will see a portion of the Tigard-Tualatin School District’s emergency “safety” meeting in which the Superintendent revealed that their schools do not have a “zero tolerance” policy for violence. Basically, they don’t want to cut the offending child off because that child may come back and shoot the school up. That’s definitely paraphrasing, watch the video to hear her words.
Enforce Your Boundaries or Pay The Price
If you know me at all, you know I had to write about that. I am always writing that people need to enforce their boundaries against abusers. A child who assaults others not being kicked out means that the rest of the school children are learning that abuse is to be expected and tolerated. Abusers are learning that they can get away with it and will increase their abuse in quantity and quality because there are no real consequences. Teachers are learning they can’t enforce boundaries either, so the school will attract teachers who are also abusers themselves because anyone out there who doesn’t want the drama will not put up with this shit.
The end result of not enforcing boundaries on an abuser is that the entire society breeds abuse and drama. We’re seeing an uptick in school violence with bullying because schools are too afraid that someone will come and shoot up the school if you don’t give in to the abuser’s demands. Is it always the children who want to stay in the school? It may be the parents of the children who don’t want the children at their house, who demand the school keep the child. Either way, it’s abusive and traumatizing to let all those other children have to “socialize” with a feral child.
I’m glad that the parents are suing, but I actually believe that any parent who lets their child stay at that school after knowing about this will now be engaging in child endangerment and abusing their children. Can you imagine the fear other children have in that school? I had to walk around on eggshells at home when I was younger and never felt safe. That has long-lasting effects I’m still dealing with.
It’s wrong for the school and parents to let their children continue in an environment that doesn’t enforce boundaries against abusers, because it will just get worse. That’s what happens when abusers realize there are no consequences.
Children who engage in this abuse, the feral children of the world, have not had boundaries enforced before. This means they were abused as well and come from a negative environment themselves, whether through outright physical abuse or emotional neglect. Sure, it’s fine if the response includes some therapy if they want it, but they likely won’t want it. Therapy can’t help if they don’t want help. They likely don’t want help because they enjoy getting away with everything and not facing consequences. They will throw a tantrum if they don’t get their way.
School shootings are usually emotionally-stunted children throwing tantrums. That happens when no one ever enforces boundaries on them. It’s short-sighted of the schools to think that they could stop the inevitability of a blowup by catering to the whims of an unrepentant child. This is another example of doing something to “save” a “victim” (who is actually the abuser) and basically ensuring that the problem continues.
I simply can’t believe the perp wasn’t expelled.
This is why more kids need to be taught self-defense. I was always afraid of someone trying to fight me in school, but I wasn't afraid of being injured. I was afraid I would accidentally severely injure or kill my attacker in defense. No kid should have to fear for their own safety, especially at school.