"Influencer" is a Misnomer Stop Worrying
"Victims" freaking out about Influencers ("Persecutors") too much
I wrote a note on this topic 2 days ago, but I see it popping up in meme form and thought maybe I should just write a quick article on it. Quick being the operative word here, because my vacation started yesterday.
From what I gather Kyle Rittenhouse dared to think for himself and thought about not voting for Trump. Apparently, Kyle changed his mind, which made some Republicans decide that cancel culture is a good thing. I saw someone saying they were proud to have put him in his place.
People became irate that Joe Rogan said some positive things about RFK Jr. God forbid, he thinks RFK might be a decent man. People freaked out and assumed that he was “endorsing” RFK Jr for President over Trump. They started posting about how awful this was that Rogan could “endorse” RFK Jr. and then they looked like idiots when Rogan explained (what was very clear previously) that he wasn’t endorsing RFK Jr, but simply saying he might be a decent man. I heard what Rogan said and it was very clear. But because of fear people stopped thinking logically and started hearing things that weren’t there.
Then today I saw this photo saying, “Me and the boys on the way to war because Taylor Swift and Beyonce told a bunch of uninformed white chicks to vote for Kamala.” Could the posters be more weak? This was obviously created by someone who feels like a “victim” and views Taylor, Beyonce, and white ‘chicks’ as “persecutors.”
Viewing Influencers As Persecutors
Of course, the term “influencer” makes one imagine someone with the power to influence against one’s will. I’ve always hated this term, by the way. It makes it sound like the people being “influenced” are ignorant “victims.”
When you watch an influencer, do you feel as if your personal will is drained from your body and you must do what they say? When you watch an influencer, do you feel like you are being victimized? Do you suddenly feel stupid and compelled to take their advice? If your answer is, “No,” and God I hope it is, then why do you assume everyone else who watches these supposed “influencers” lose their wills and become brainwashed? It’s the term “influencer” isn’t it? Maybe that’s one reason anyway. When someone decides to call a person an “influencer” it doesn’t automatically magically endow them with influence over people’s wills. You know that, right?
Exposing Your Weakness
When you complain that some “influencer” is going to “make” other people do something stupid you’re exposing your weaknesses. First, you think that others are “victims” of the influence of others. If you think people can be so easily influenced, why are you not out trying to influence them instead of complaining on the internet? If people are so ignorant, why are you not out trying to inform them? These sorts of people are lazy and just want to complain. If you believe others are “victims” of influence, then you probably are trapped in the Drama Triangle and feel like a “victim” as well. I’ve already explained these sorts do.
Secondly, this shows that you are scared. If you’re like them, then you are probably feeling pretty defeated right now. It means you think Trump won’t win because leftist influencers are out there influencing the masses. Being afraid keeps your brain from thinking of possible solutions. The people who will succeed and find peace and happiness are those who choose to figure out what they can do and do it which makes them feel powerful. They will look for things to appreciate as well. When you think of things to appreciate and feel powerful then your brain opens up again and you can think of solutions that you couldn’t think of when you were terrified.
If I can see this fear in people, then others can as well. People who feel demoralized and defeated are not going to be seen as opposition to the people who you don’t want in power. If you want to get your way, you need to enforce your boundaries and make sure they know you are willing to stand your ground. You want them to see you as a threat. Showing your weakness is not advised.
What You Resist Persists
When you’re in a state of fear and feeling like a “victim” you take actions such as sharing those sorts of memes or attacking people like Joe Rogan and Kyle Rittenhouse. What do you think Rogan and Rittenhouse thought of these people when they saw the irate responses? It certainly wasn’t warm fuzzy feelings. They’ll see these people as a threat, people to stay away from.
And politically homeless people will see this and know they don’t want to be a part of the Republican party because they’ll be turned against just like Rogan and Rittenhouse. You will never gain allies by beating them up when they slightly disagree.
But it wasn’t because Rogan and Rittenhouse slightly disagreed, was it? If it was one or two votes people thought about losing, then it wouldn’t be that bad. It was because they thought they could influence many more people.
You all overestimate how much influence “influencers” have. But if you’re right, then go influence those stupid people yourself and stop worrying about what other supposed “influencers” are doing. Get yourself on a podcast, start your own podcast, or start writing if you’re not already. Go on the street and talk with those people who you think are so easily influenced. Do you think you can influence them to vote your way? If your answer is “no” then why are you worried? If they were never going to vote your way then they were not influenced in the first place. They just disagree with you.
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Great job
I agree with your point about victimisation, but I disagree on the solution. Instead of complaining about Taylor Swift influencing elections, we should be ignoring government demands and start doing things for ourselves. Eventually the idea of government must be cast into the dustbin of history. We all believe slavery was abolished a hundred years ago; Wrong. All that happened was the system of slavery was changed. Taxation is slavery plain and simple.