MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. Obviously, concerning the drama triangle, the left views Trump as a “persecutor.” Not surprisingly, people who don’t like Trump decided on the meaning of this slogan for him. We used to give people the benefit of the doubt or ask specifically, “What do you mean by that?” We used to care about finding out what other people meant. Now, people ascribe the worst-possible meaning to anything a “persecutor” says.
They See Trump As Racist
Because they view him as a “persecutor” who is “racist” they will ascribe racist beliefs to the slogan he uses. So, to them, it means going back to a time when there was more white supremacy. They don’t realize that they’re white supremacists.
When Was America Great?
They think, “When was America great?” They are stuck in the drama triangle with the narrative that America is a racist country and always was. They cannot admit there was something great about America or how it was founded. If they admitted anything could be great about America in the past then it would ruin their victim narrative of today. Because the drama triangle roles are co-dependent, eviscerating the victim narrative also means the democrats can’t play “Saviors” any longer.
By the way, suggesting that America was great (using the past tense) means it’s not now, which helps Trump play a Savior role with the Democrats as “Persecutors” who ruined the country. Politics, no matter what side, are heavily involved in the drama triangle, even if Democrats seem better at it.
Maggot Dehumanization
Now that Trump is no longer the president, they needed someone to play “Persecutor” for him while Biden was in office. They decided to shift their hate from the Trump scapegoat onto every single person who voted for Trump. They believe only racists could vote for a racist President, for instance. Of course, if that were true what would that say about the people voting for Biden who molested children on camera?
No, not everyone who votes for a president believes in the exact same things or has the same morals. There will be some overlap or they wouldn’t feel drawn to one over the other. But it doesn’t automatically mean every voter knows or believes their preferred President did whatever it is.
Now the Republicans Are the Scapegoat
So, now, they believe it’s not just Trump who is evil, but those who voted for him. They see these Republicans as “the enemy.” They either fear or hate them. I don’t believe the fears are founded. I think it’s a mass formation psychosis. They had free-floating fear and the media just pointed them to Republicans as the problem. But, regardless of why it happened, it happened.
Nazi Propaganda Poster
Comparing your political opponents to detested creatures is not new. The Nazis “depicted Jews, political opponents, and others as parasites that threatened the overall health of the so-called "Volksgemeinschaft" (German racial community).” Propaganda Poster: “Jews Are Lice: They Cause Typhus”
Because dehumanization of your political enemies can lead to genocide, it’s important to pay attention when you see it happen around you.
Ten Stages of Genocide
The classification stage is done. The next stage is symbolization. MAGA became a symbol, and I don’t think it was because the Republicans wanted that. I think because of the Democrats’ hate for Trump and their perspective on the meaning of MAGA they made it a symbol of what they hate. Democrats also turned not wanting to get vaccinated or wear a mask into a symbol of what they hate. They also turned their own country’s flag into a symbol of hate.
Democrats might argue that it was not them who made these symbols, but it really was their meaning that they ascribed to them. Many Democrats have been absolutely fine with the US flag for decades. It was the meaning that they now ascribe to it that they hate and that meaning came from their own minds.
The discrimination one is interesting. It’s happening in some forms, such as the discrimination between vaccinated or masked and unvaccinated or unmasked. It’s strange that this fell on political lines. In many cases, it didn’t, but a lot of Democrats chose to #walkaway from their party after the official party promoted itself as being pro-mask and pro-vaccine.
I’ll also say I saw a lot of complaints about Democrats doing their best on November 3rd to keep Republicans from voting. This seemingly wasn’t a large prepared nationwide activity, but I get the feeling a lot of Democrats wanted to deny Republicans voting rights that day. There’s no way to know if that happened a lot, or a little bit. But, it did happen. If you asked Democrats if it would be good to deny Republicans voting rights, too many would answer in the affirmative these days.
Obviously referring to Republicans as MAGAts is dehumanization. To be fair, referring to Democrats as DemonRats is the same thing.
The organization stage is an interesting one. By incorporating the vaccine requirements you could say our military was kicking out the uncompliant which happened to mostly be Republicans or Libertarians while keeping the Democrats in power positions. The same happened with the police officers when they required them to shut down businesses or be biased in enforcing the law. Certain police left the force, and the ones who stayed were compliant with the mostly Democrat policies.
Mainstream and social media play a big role in polarization. There is polarization on both sides, however, the mainstream and social media that most people see are heavily sided with Democrats against Republicans and/or Libertarians. So, the Democrat propaganda is seen by way more people.
I don’t believe we’ve seen the preparation or extermination at all unless you count the elderly who were killed by some Democrat governors placing sick people in nursing homes as an attempt to kill conservatives. I think that’s pretty far-fetched.
But persecution falls between those last 2 stages. And there is a lot of persecution based on political beliefs happening in the workplace. A lot of policies in education, and large corporations are based on woke beliefs right now and people who disagree with them can get fired or just never hired.
Democrats are definitely in denial that this is happening. It’s not surprising that the people who commit genocide deny it afterward. I don’t think they ever saw it happening since they viewed the “other” as pests that simply needed to be gotten rid of.
We’re pretty far down this list of the stages of genocide. It’s not surprising that people are on edge. What people need to do is stop dehumanizing others, but you can’t tell another person not to do that, especially if they look at you like a pest to begin with.
Don’t View Them As Victims
You may view these people as “Victims” of brainwashing. You can’t “Save” them out of this belief or mindset. The best thing to do is to focus on preparing yourself and acting accordingly. Don’t hang out with people who hate you because they’re looking for ways to harm you.
Excellent analysis! Not really much I'd quibble with haha
I am curious, though, your thoughts on what I feel is is a related piece I wrote looking mainly at the linguistics that facilitate control and persecution. If you get a chance :) Regardless, keep up the great work!