Modern Day Scapegoats
LibsofTikTok is the latest scapegoat being used to absolve personal guilt.
Twitter employees are currently discussing whether or not to ban the @libsoftiktok account. This is part of a larger subject I’ve wanted to write about for a while.
The Accusation
The accusation is that certain people on Twitter are encouraging or inciting violence or harassment. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. Obviously, they did this with Trump. In many of the cases I’ve seen, it starts with one person quote-tweeting another, perhaps mocking the original tweet. Then, anyone who agrees with the original tweet (or hates the quote-tweeter) will claim the quote-tweeter “sent their followers to harass” the original tweeter.
I have actually seen people send their followers to attack the original tweet. I understand that this does happen. What I’m discussing in this article are the loads of times when it’s not happening, but people claim it is.
The Drama of It
The people who claim an account is siccing their followers on people simply for quote-tweeting are acting as “saviors” or “rescuers” for the perceived “victim.” Sometimes the original tweeter will claim “victimhood” themselves, but that’s not always the case. In many cases, no one actually even claims to be a “victim” of harassment, people just claim that the quote-tweeter is harassing the original poster (OP).
The reason, for saying that someone sent their followers to harass, is to get people to report the quote-tweet. There’s a lot of inner rage in someone who says this (when the quote-tweeter isn’t actually doing that). They want the quote-tweeters’ account taken down. They want the scapegoat banned to social jail, and no longer in the public sphere. There’s a multitude of reasons. But here are a couple of main points.
They don’t like their beliefs being mocked or exposed. Anyone who loves the truth doesn’t mind questions. Anyone stable in their beliefs won’t mind the mocking because they figure smart people will side with them (because they know they’re right). So, these people may identify with the belief that’s being mocked. Also, they likely don’t really believe what they think is right and stable enough to withstand questions. That’s buried so far inside of their minds that they would never admit to it, likely not even to themselves. If their beliefs were proven wrong, since they identify with these beliefs, they would have an identity crisis. That’s enough to keep them from wanting their beliefs to be dissected and exposed.
They’re projecting onto the quote-tweeter. If you want to feel morally good, but you do things that aren’t morally good, you project those things onto other people. So, oftentimes, people who sic their followers to harass people are the ones who accuse others of doing this. Ask yourself if the person has ever done this before. They might be talking about themselves. In fact, if someone quote-tweets the original quote-tweeter accusing them of sending their followers to harass, they’re in the middle of doing it themselves!
The “Persecutor”
So these people label someone as a “persecutor,” because they feel like their beliefs are being attacked or they’re projecting their issues onto the quote-tweeter. Rather than take personal responsibility for their emotions, they feel the need to point attention to the “bad guy.” They also don’t believe the “victim” can defend themselves, which is incredibly condescending.
LibsofTikTok is now being portrayed as the persecutor. The claim from the left who want her off of Twitter is that she’s siccing people to actually physically harm the people in the videos that she’s posting. They will say, some people are attacking transgenders and it’s LibsofTikTok’s fault, even though she’s never told people to attack anyone.

They’re projecting a motive onto her. Her motive has been very clear for everyone, it’s just to have people be aware this is going on. You will never find a tweet from her suggesting people react violently. How do I know this? She’d have been banned already because a post like that would have been rightfully reported. She’s got enough haters. You know they would have pounced on it if she had.
But she doesn’t. So they have to project their motives onto her. Yes, their motives. What are their motives? Harassment and violence. Anyone who would suggest that LibsofTikTok is trying to get people to be physically hurt obviously has that hate in their heart, that motive in their head, or else it wouldn’t occur to them that this is what her motive is. They don’t have any physical proof that she wants that, so that idea had to come from somewhere.
They Don’t Like Being Exposed
The other reason, of course, is that they don’t want their beliefs to be exposed, mocked, and/or questioned. Somewhere deep inside they don’t believe they’re doing something morally right, because if they felt like they had the moral high ground, really, they wouldn’t care if people questioned them.
In response to LibsofTikTok posting videos from liberals to show the world what they believe, the leftists deny it. They say that it’s a small section of people and she’s making it seem like more people have these beliefs than actually do.
DARVO stands for “Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.” They deny what she posts is representative of leftists’ beliefs, then they attack her by reversing who the victim is. Now the leftists who publicly posted these videos are the victim (not the children being groomed), and the offender isn’t the groomer, but it’s LibsofTikTok. One definition of DARVO is “a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.” How apropos.
WHO is Responsible?
If someone does actually harass another person, are they individually to blame, or is it the quote-tweeter’s responsibility? If someone watched what LibsofTikTok posted and then took physical action, is she responsible for that?
The left wants these scapegoats to be responsible for what other individual people do.
No. If someone posts something (without encouraging violence), they are not responsible for someone else enacting violence.
Every individual is responsible for their individual actions. You do not need to do what other people tell you to do, what other people imply you should do, or whatever you want to do. We have free will to choose what to do with ourselves. When you get mad, you don’t need to physically harm someone. Even if someone tried to incite you to violence, you can choose to not do it.
Why won’t they blame the INDIVIDUALS for reacting violently?
Why do they want to blame someone else for the actions of individuals? I think the answer to that is the number 1 reason I listed above. They just don’t want to be exposed, and they’re opportunists. They’re just using the opportunity of violence to shift the blame from the individuals onto LibsofTikTok (as a scapegoat) to further their goals of keeping people unaware of what they’re doing.