The Drama of Hypocrites
Stay Away From Irrational People. You literally can't converse with them.
I was discussing with someone on Minds the other day about using logic to point out the woke’s ideas being illogical. I was saying I use logic for the rational people who listen to me. I don’t actually try to ever discuss things with an irrational person. I said, “Jesus didn't preach to the hypocrites. He avoided them as much as possible. He would point out their hypocrisy so that other people who were still logical would see it.”
Conversing With The Hypocrites Is Pointless
I tell people to stay away from hypocrites. The hypocrites are the ones stuck in the drama triangle. They’re hypocrites because they keep switching from one role to the other. They want to play a victim one minute and a savior the next. You can’t have a rational discussion with such a person because they’re always shifting definitions (fallacy of equivocation) and ignoring logic because they’re acting out of pure emotion. Because you can’t have any real logical conversations with them there’s no point in doing so.
The definition of conversation is "The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language." That's just not happening when people have different languages. When people have different definitions they’re basically speaking another language. Since they’re still speaking English some people get confused. The fallacy of equivocation is used specifically to confuse you into believing something illogical.
Through happenstance, someone shared this video with me this morning after I posted a substack article on stupid people. Basically, people let themselves get emotional (because they don’t want to take responsibility), then they start thinking emotionally rather than logically.
Because they’re not using logic anymore you can’t argue logically with them. They will only come to logic when they want to take responsibility. And they will only want to take personal responsibility when they hit rock bottom.
Until the desire to change becomes greater than the desire to stay the same, they will continue to be emotional and unresponsive to logical discussions. You’re just going to waste your time trying to have logical discussions with irrational people. Your time is better spent with people who will listen to you.
Discrimination Happens in the Drama Triangle
When people unfairly discriminate on the basis of sex, beliefs, skin color, etc. they are putting that group into the persecutor role. They believe it’s okay to discriminate against that person because they believe they’re “bad.”
Of course, people can rightfully discriminate the good from the bad. Discrimination is not, by itself, wrong. It’s the discrimination not based on actual facts, but simply based on feelings and prejudices, that becomes unfair.
Having Integrity
Having integrity means you don’t waffle on ethical issues depending on your mood. Because I'm not a hypocrite, I'm against racism when the person being affected is not my skin tone also. I'm against sexism when it's men who are being affected (it's why I would never call myself a feminist and don't associate myself with the label). I'm against anti-Semitism, especially since I think so highly of Jesus Christ who was a Jew. Christians have called me a heretic, so I’m a bit of a Christian outcast. But I still think it's wrong to hate Christians solely because of their beliefs.
Generalizing someone as their label or group and then demonizing them for it is wrong. We need to treat people as individuals. It’s okay to say, “Certain people, based on their beliefs, may be more likely to treat me poorly.” You can and should be more guarded around those people. But, you need to be open to being wrong when dealing with an individual.
There are moral and immoral people in each group. I think people are just too lazy to do the work of figuring out what character an individual has before unrightfully demonizing them as the “enemy." Some people actually just want to hate others because it works better for their drama games to have a persecutor to hate.
The Hypocrites
There are sadly many hypocrites out there saying they're against racism but actively promoting it under the guise of “anti-racism.” People are out there saying they're against sexism but promote it, like the feminists who wanted to vote for Hillary for US President simply because she is female rather than on merit or character.
Many people say they're tolerant of everyone's beliefs (usually with respect to religion) and then don't tolerate it when someone believes differently (like whether to get vaxxed or go masked). People make fun of those with different beliefs. I feel like that’s gotten worse but it could be because I’ve started to question the official narratives more than ever before. I’m more and more likely to have the kind of different beliefs that get made fun of so I may notice it more.
Don’t Try to Converse With Hypocrites
If you see someone being a hypocrite, you can tell they don’t have integrity. If you can see that they’re shifting their positions based on emotions, you can tell they are irrational. Avoid having conversations with these people as much as possible. You’re likely speaking two different languages even if you can’t pinpoint when they’re making that fallacy of equivocation. You are never going to change their mind. You don’t need to.
Because you will never change an irrational person’s mind there’s no reason to waste your time trying to. Spend your time with rational people. Your time is much better spent conversing with rational people and you’ll get more done. Share that with other rational people so they can focus their energy where it’s well-spent also.
Sheep (cheap) Conversations
Ever feel like you’re talking to a wall? Sometimes we are pretty dead-set in our view on a subject and want to convince someone we are right. Sometimes you are talking with someone else who is dead-set too. This “conversation” is a waste of time. It’s cheap. No one is getting anything out of it. By the definition of conversation, it might not even be one because no ideas are really being exchanged. It’s like you’re just being talked at rather than being conversed with.
You may have studied this subject out to death and maybe that person is just plain wrong. But conversing with them is stupid because no one is going to move from their position. Own it and move on.
People Who Have Their Minds Set Won’t Change
Dr. Malone shared a PDF that he called the NIH propaganda guide for the vaccines. The guide is about getting people to get vaccinated through propaganda techniques. There is another PDF that is similar here.
In 2020 the Pharmaceutical industry spent more on ads, but people were not moved to do much because of it.
“The top ten pharma brands spent 17% more on TV ads in April compared to March, raising their monthly ad spend from $156m to $183m. Pharma companies used the window of opportunity to target people who have been stuck at home due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Despite the significant increase in the TV ad spend, the traffic to the respective websites of these brands has not been impacted significantly.” Pharma’s increased spend on TV ads did not increase traffic to branded websites
There is a big push to change people’s minds concerning vaccines and to get them to reach for more pharma products. They haven’t changed their minds based on that propaganda messaging.
I am not saying people who are opposed to vaccines are irrational. Quite the opposite, those who have studied vaccines in-depth and decided based on data that they won’t get vaccinated are rational.
Irrational people are not going to change their minds easier than rational ones. People who have their minds set on a topic won’t change. It’s not worth spending time trying to convince them.
Have Mindful Conversations
Be mindful of who you are talking with each day. Have conversations with people who have the same language (meaning of words) as you do. Freely talk with those who can be convinced they could be wrong through logical discussions. Allow yourself to be convinced if you find out you were wrong. Having those types of discussions will be time much better spent. You also won’t feel as confused or irritated as you do when trying to futilely converse with irrational and closed-minded people.