The Drama of the Political Parties
How do the Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats fit into this drama triangle?
In this article, I want to generalize a bit about the political parties in the United States. I understand that not every individual who identifies as a party will feel like this generalization covers them. Don’t take it personally, it’s meant to be a generalization.
The Libertarian Party believes the federal government has too much power. They believe that many things which are currently illegal should be made legal. For instance, many believe that drugs should not be criminalized. If the idea that a hard drug being decriminalized causes you to wince, you might be identifying as a “Savior” in the drama triangle. If you’ve never heard of the drama triangle, check out my introduction post below.
Most people believe the government creating laws actually stops people from engaging in acts. But we know criminals still get and use guns in gun-free zones. We know that when the US criminalized alcohol during prohibition it didn’t work out. We know the laws don’t actually stop these things from happening. The laws simply help to give some a false sense of security and to put more people in jail or poverty (through fines and loss of work from being jailed).
Libertarians believe that people should and will take personal responsibility when they’re not being coddled by the government. They don’t believe the government’s job is to “save” its citizens. Remember from my previous post, personal responsibility is the way out of the drama triangle. Because of this, it’s the political party least likely to be involved in drama triangle dynamics.
Republicans are okay with more government intervention than Libertarians. They have been creating laws against Critical Race Applied Praxis (CRAP) aka Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender ideology. That is weird to me because the indoctrination into a belief system is already illegal. They could just enforce the laws we have right now against that. There’s really no need to make more laws.
Because of this, I tend to see them as trying to “save” the children from indoctrination but being co-dependent with what they’re fighting: “gender ideology” and the racist belief system that is CRT. They’re both theories (belief systems) being taught as fact. That’s illegal since we’re supposed to have a separation of church and state. It seems to me if the Republicans were outside of the drama triangle, they would enforce the pre-existing laws rather than specifically trying to attack these individual ideologies.
Republicans do see Democrats as the “persecutor” putting these beliefs into the public schools. It’s easy to understand why, but creating new laws is seen as an attack on the Democrats. If you remember from my intro post, the “persecutor” is often the person who thinks they’re the “savior.” Republicans try to “save” the children, by attacking the Democrats’ new lesson plans. The Democrats then view the Republicans as trying to attack the education of the “victim” children.
If, however, Republicans just enforced the laws saying you can’t teach a child a theory/belief system as if it’s fact, then the Democrats wouldn’t have as much of a reason to view them as “attackers.” I’m not saying Democrats won’t find another way to be upset, they will. But there would have been less drama if Republicans hadn’t tried to make new laws, simply because they weren’t enforcing the old ones.
Concerning taxes, Republican citizens tend to want less. I know many of the Republican politicians are not voting for their interests. But, the general party line is that social programs shouldn’t be subsidized by the taxpayers. If someone wants health care, it’s not a right, but something that person should have to individually pay for. So they do believe in taking personal responsibility for getting healthcare among other things. They figure that when the government is in charge, things are mishandled, and prices go up. They believe things would be more affordable with less government involvement and people would figure it out when they’re not being coddled by the government “help.”
The reason the Democratic party is so deeply entrenched in the drama triangle, more than any other party, is because they do want the people to be coddled by the government. They want a nanny state. They don’t want their “victims” to succeed, because The Democratic Party wants to be seen as the “savior” of the “victims” of the country.
While Republicans think Democrats are logically wrong on issues, the Democrats believe that Republicans are morally evil. If a republican thinks that a democrat is misguided, they may or may not place that democrat into the “persecutor” role in the drama triangle. However, a democrat who believes a republican is morally evil clearly has judged them as a “persecutor” of some “victim.”
I struggle to think of a single democratic policy that isn’t built upon “saving” someone from something. They want the poor saved from capitalism, the “people of color” saved from systemic racism, the women saved from misogyny, the LGBTQIA+ from transphobia, etc.
But, of course, they don’t really want any of those people to get “saved” because they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if they weren’t playing savior to someone. Think back to the gay rights movement. They got the right to marry and adopt children, and they can’t be discriminated against legally. The democratic party could have called that a win. But they keep going with transgender rights now. But what rights do transgender people not have?
From what I’ve seen they want the option to choose any bathroom and get their Medicaid to cover their surgeries. No one is born with an inherent right to get surgery paid for from strangers (taxpayers), and our bathrooms have always been segregated by biological sex. It’s not like they can’t go to the sex-assigned-at-birth bathroom. Democrats are just calling privileges “rights.” Homosexuals used to not be able to get legally married. A transgender is not legally kept from being able to use a restroom or to get surgery.
Democrats believe that pretty much everyone in the United States is a “victim” in some way, excepting, perhaps, white straight Christian men (whom they regard as the “persecutors” a lot of the time). Democrats believe that the government is supposed to act like the father figure providing the housing to the “unhoused,” food to the poor, money to the working mothers to pay for childcare, etc. They also believe it’s up to the governments of the world to save mother earth (the victim) from “man-made climate change.”
Notice also that other terms for the Savior role fit into the democrat profile. For example, champion and warrior. There are “civil rights champions” and “social justice warriors.” Even the term “justice” implies that someone else (the persecutor) was unjust, and now the social justice warrior must save things by attacking the persecutor and creating justice.
As I’ve said before, they don’t actually want to “save” people. They want forever victims so they will forever be seen as the “good guys” with all the social cred & narcissistic supply attached to it. They don’t care if their own policies are hypocritical and hurt the people they’re trying to “save” because all that matters is that they look good.
Furthermore, if you said they were not moral in their behavior, they would use DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender). They’d simply scream that you are the evil one, actually. They’d say you are the one not wanting to “save” the people like they want to. They have a plan, and if you don’t agree with their plan, then you’re obviously one of the “persecutors” too. They would have an identity crisis if they were ever to view themselves as anything but that moral do-gooder trying to save the world. They can’t have you destroy their image and they can’t have their “victims” succeeding in this world.