Louis Rossman uploaded a video talking about how he paid for Netflix to get the 4K version of a TV show for his girlfriend, only to find out they gave him the very low resolution (720 pixels) version instead because he tried to watch it from his computer, rather than connect his TV to the internet (because he didn’t want to be spied on by his TV). This is a man who has boundaries and enforces them.
So many people complain about stupid things that various companies do and then do nothing about it. Netflix has been boycotted before. But it’s amazing that people just go along with being treated poorly by companies.
Many companies have learned that their customers won’t leave them so they can be treated like crap. When you do not enforce your boundaries and say to a company, “This is unacceptable,” then they learn it is acceptable.
Companies should be offering better service than what piracy will get you. Then people will want to pay for that service. Why is that not the default?
If you consider Netflix to be a “persecutor” and simply complain about it and keep subscribing, you’re basically taking on the “victim” mentality. The best thing to do is to take some personal responsibility and get out of the relationship by enforcing the boundary, telling them it’s unacceptable behavior, and canceling the service. Then you’ll no longer feel like a “victim” to them.
This works with everyone you see as a persecutor. When you tell them they’ve crossed a boundary and you leave the relationship you’re taking your power back. It feels better for you, and it lets them know that it’s not acceptable behavior. They may or may not care depending on how many people do the same thing. But that’s not your problem any longer.
What's odd is watching some show that was made prior to 2016. Most of them start normal, then by the seasons from 2017 on, you can feel the cultural subversion sneaking in.
They start saying things like, "white privileg." They start having token gay characters, that don't help the story line. It's REALLY obvious.
Netflix receives millions in subsidies per year stolen from the people of California in the form of tax credits which is typical for the film industry in that state. They were largely allowed to keep working while millions of Californians were told their livelihood was “not essential.”
Plus Reed Hastings gave millions to Newsom’s Recall campaign in 2021. Recall elections in the state are not subject to the same campaign contribution rules/limits as standard elections so Team Newsom had virtually unlimited money to spend on their propaganda.
Netflix has been since considered “non-essential” in my book. I canceled their service the moment I learned of Hastings’ Newsom fetish.