Why Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a White Supremacist Belief
"Saviors" are Patronizing Their Perceived "Victims"
The Condescension of a Savior
Being thought of as a victim when you know you’re not one feels like condescension. Condescension is defined as “patronizingly superior behavior or attitude.” There’s a reason why it feels that way. It is describing their behavior to a T. It’s important to understand why.
It’s the reason the beliefs of critical race theory are basically a form of white supremacist beliefs. It’s amazing that people hold these superiority beliefs and don’t see them for what they are. I’ll get back to making that point later.
The “Savior” or “Rescuer” in the drama triangle always sees themselves as higher than the victim. People outside of the drama triangle view others as their equals, no more or no less capable than they are of handling responsibility for themselves.
Outside of the drama triangle, you would know that others are capable of taking personal responsibility over their lives to exit drama-filled relationships themselves. However, inside the drama triangle, the “victim” always feels like they’re on the bottom and need rescuing by someone else (more capable) from someone else who has power over them (the persecutor).
When you feel like you can rescue someone from something, you are suggesting that that person cannot do it for themselves. Remember, as I wrote earlier, that this is different than helping people who have asked for help.
You can view another person on the same level as you and ask for help or provide help to someone who has asked. But if you decide that someone (who hasn’t suggested that they need help) needs you to run to their rescue, you have a patronizingly superior behavior or attitude.
“Patronize comes from Latin patronus "protector, master," related to pater "father." So if you patronize a person, you talk down to them like a father might do to his child or a master to his apprentice.” Vocabulary.com
It’s interesting that the term comes from fathering down to someone, but in reality, it feels a lot more feminine today. When a mother goes overboard, seeing her children as needing saving (rather than help), she turns from mothering to smothering. That’s what it feels like in today’s climate.
Raising or Smothering?
Parents are supposed to raise children who can eventually take personal responsibility for their own health and well-being. But, today, a lot of parents have been giving that responsibility of raising their children to other people. They expect teachers to do it or plant a child in front of a tablet, phone, or computer. And, of course, the opposite is true, some parents want to take so much responsibility for their children they never want to let go of the reins and transfer that responsibility to their kids. These types of parents are condescending smotherers.
Parents should be teaching their children how to take responsibility for their lives by practicing taking personal responsibility so that their children learn to emulate it. And, of course, they should also be helping when the child asks for help. Raising children is supposed to be a process of many years of showing children how to become mature, which essentially means taking personal responsibility. That would be how to raise children outside of the drama triangle.
Instead many families have parents who don’t take personal responsibility, blame others for everything that’s gone wrong, and teach their children to behave in the same manner. Growing up in an environment where the parents scapegoat all the problems onto others (through racism/prejudices) and/or view the government as their “savior” will eventually result in another adult who feels the same way and never takes personal responsibility either. Children will emulate what they see while growing up.
Examples of Smothering
Try to think of some examples in your life where you felt someone being condescending towards you. You should be able to see how that person or group was viewing you on unequal footing, looking down on you. One perfect example we all know would be fact-checkers.
Fact-Checking Is Condescending
I’ve been known to complain that social media sites have a savior complex. Every single time you see a fact-check on a video or image, you know that that company believes you might have fallen for some “fake news.” They have decided that you are the “victim” who doesn’t have enough common sense to check facts yourself. You didn’t ask for them to fact-check for you. You didn’t ask to be “saved” from fake news, did you?
Do you think you need someone to make sure you don’t spread or believe “fake news?” The people who think you need “fact-checkers” believe that fact-checkers are accurate and don’t use logical fallacies to get the result they want. But, anyone who doesn’t believe them can see through the fallacies, most of which are strawmen arguments.
The writers of fact-checks tend to have a rating of “true” or “false” that they want to give and then they will craft the supposed accusation the way they need it to be to get the result they want. They have a bias and a position they want their readers to take. They are trying to steer people based on their beliefs, which means they’re also trying to “save” people in some way.
Because they often use logical fallacies and bad arguments all around they’ve become a laughing stock to most people. The only people who believe the fact-checkers are accurate are those who want to believe them because they enjoy making fun of those who would question fact-checkers.
Personal Examples of Smothering
I had a female friend I’d met online and then in person. I started dating a mutual friend. When the relationship ended, the female friend started labeling him as a “persecutor” when our relationship had ended friendly, and amicably. I didn’t understand her reaction. Thankfully, this relationship was what helped me learn about the drama triangle in the first place.
When she viewed him as mean (which he wasn’t) she literally started making up things out of thin air to be mad about. She described a post of his as “throwing shade” at me, which made no sense. I even asked another friend to look to see if I was missing something. I wasn’t. She had a very distorted perception fueled by her beliefs. And, because she viewed him as the “persecutor” from whom she wanted to “save” me, it meant she viewed me as a “victim.”
When I do not feel like a “victim,” it almost feels dirty to view others trying to “save” me. I don’t know if that’s how others feel when they’re being condescended down to. But that’s how it feels to me.
Now that I know about these dynamics, I can see them even earlier in my childhood. I remember one time when some of my family tried to set me up with another guy because I was single. We, as a group, went to the movie together. I was blissfully unaware of what was going on. But after the movie ended my original ride wouldn’t take me back home. They had set it up so their friend would drive me home instead. Thankfully I lived pretty close to the theater so it was not too long a drive. But that was probably the most awkward ride of my life. Single people are not “victims” who need “fixing up.”
Please remember not to try to “save” people who haven’t asked for help. You’ll just be condescending down to them, and perhaps making them feel dirty and low with your patronizing view of them. “Saviors” think they’re trying “to help,” but in reality they may end up hurting their relationship with whomever they’re trying to “save.” This is why I call over-mothering smothering. You are smothering (killing) the relationship when you try to “save” someone who didn’t ask for saving.
Critical Race Applied Praxis (CRAP) is Condescending
We all know they’re not teaching critical race theory in early schools as is. But what’s happening is that teachers have been taught through the lens of critical race theory and now they’re teaching their children to think through the same lens/perspective via their educational practices. The “praxis” part of the CRAP acronym is about teaching their worldview through specific techniques or practices.
I’ll give an example everyone should be able to recognize is morally wrong and equivalent. If a public school teacher doesn’t bring out a bible and doesn’t tell people they should believe in Christianity outright, but does refer (in homework) to people who believe in Christ as “saved” and those who don’t believe in Christ as “hell-bound sinners” they’re practicing Christianity Praxis without actually teaching Christianity at all. The child hearing this terminology might think, “I don’t want to go to hell,” and try to convert to Christianity without the teacher ever making an overt move or declaration about the faith.
It’s actually worse than that today in schools because teachers are making overt moves to create new social justice warrior activists. And if you are trying to create activists it means you’re trying to create “saviors” in the drama triangle. A social justice warrior, by definition, needs a persecutor to war against and a “victim” of social injustice to “save.” Many schools aren’t teaching personal responsibility to children, they’re outright teaching them to be embroiled in the drama triangle, which is disempowering.
Critical Race Theory as a White Supremacist Belief
Many proponents of Critical Race Theory believe in systemic racism and that it is keeping “people of color” (their term) from achieving as much as white people. They would place systemic racism in the “persecutor” role with “people of color” being the “victims” who need “saving.” The social justice warriors are the people who are supposed to “save” them.
What is their plan to “save” people of color (POC)? It seems to me, based on their actions over the past couple of years, their plan is two-fold, at least.
Attempting to create more social justice warriors through brainwashing children, which is why CRAP is on the rise in schools.
Take away opportunities and money from white people with merit to give it to POC.
A company making sure to hire more women or gender-fluid people (regardless if they’re truly qualified) rather than white “cisgender” qualified men is another form of this plan to “save” people, but I want to specifically focus on Critical Race Theory to make my point about how CRT is a white supremacist belief.
You can hear people who believe in CRT talk about how white people have been emboldened by systemic racism to have an edge over POC. Why do they think this?
Why do they think white people have an edge? Some people really don’t want to take personal responsibility and, instead, want to just blame other people for why their life isn’t what they want it to be. It’s easier to sit around and blame other people or circumstances for why you haven’t achieved what you want to achieve than it is to put in the work needed.
Do white people have an edge? Do men have an edge over women? It’s debatable. But it’s not debatable to a critical race theorist, because that’s their worldview. If you believe that white people have an edge simply because of their skin color then you are placing white people a bit higher up (as more capable) than people of color. As soon as you see white people as having some sort of superiority you’ve become a white supremacist.
White Supremacy is defined as a “Racist belief that white people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds.” Oh, that’s what Critical Race Theorists believe. They believe that white people are superior, thus more capable of succeeding in this world than people of color. Sure, it’s a racist belief. I don’t know why they’re teaching this to children. As I said earlier, it’s amazing that people hold these superiority beliefs and don’t see them for what they are.
With “systemic racism” as the “persecutor” and POC as the “victim” who are the saviors in this drama triangle? Oftentimes it’s white democrats. I’ve already written a whole article on the political parties and how democrats want the government to be the “savior.”
So, yes, democrats love to be seen as the “savior” to any kind of societal problem as it keeps them in power. In a supposedly systemically racist society, white (democrat) people are saying white people are more capable than POC at succeeding? How is that not white supremacy? Oh, people will add that to be a white supremacist you have to also believe that’s the way things should be. Trust me, the democrats want anyone they paint as a “victim” to stay a “victim” or else they’d be out of power because they wouldn’t be needed any longer.
And, painting people as “victims” and teaching this mindset to children keeps people disempowered. This is why so many POC are actually against teaching Critical Race Applied Praxis (CRAP) in schools. It’s only through teaching POC that they have the same ability as white people (to do what they want to do) that they will take personal responsibility and achieve what they want to achieve.
So many POC have already done this. It’s incredibly awkward to watch Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah talk about racism keeping black people down when they’re proof of what black people are capable of achieving.
Are Black People Less Capable of Getting an ID?
In this video from 2016, Ami Horowitz asks white democrats about their beliefs concerning black people getting IDs to be able to vote. Notice that the white people that he interviews think they’re more capable of getting IDs than black people. That’s a white supremacist belief.
But the black people who he interviews say they have ID and don’t know anyone who doesn’t have an ID. They say to Ami that anyone who would think they are incapable of getting an ID is “ignorant.” That’s being kind. The white people are literally racist suggesting that it’s more difficult for black people to get ID to vote than it is for white people.
When you look down on someone as a “victim” you are simultaneously putting yourself above them in a superior position. Any belief system that says black people need others to “save” them is racist and condescending.
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