I found an old post of mine from Minds because someone hit the like button recently and I wanted to share it. But after watching Peter Boghossian in his latest video I think I’ll expand on it here instead. In this article, I want to focus on belief systems and how people can’t recognize them when they’re in them. I’ll also give many woke examples of faiths that they think are facts.
Belief Systems Can Be Tricky
In an effort to become a life coach, I have studied cognitive behavioral therapy and the drama triangle. In my spiritual life I have studied the bible, law of attraction, and really focused on growing my faith.
You could say that I have my head in the clouds but my feet on the ground. I can speak spiritually and see things from a higher perspective (5D), but if you need me to speak about something happening right now, in this 3D reality, I can see what you mean. I see these two different viewpoints as dimensional and switch between them easily. And I understand that some people only see from one perspective.
The Law of Attraction Belief System
Some people would say the law of attraction belief is stupid, and I’m okay with that. I disagree, but I actually understand why they believe that. People have given the law-of-attraction belief system a bad name through lack of faith. I talked about people choosing a label and acting apart from that label in the last substack.
They also don’t explain it very well. That’s because it’s more complicated than just saying you attract what you feel like. Like attracts like, but that means a person feeling like a victim will attract someone who victimizes people (persecutor). I could get in-depth, but I want to focus on the belief portion today.
If you truly believe in the law of attraction, then you will take personal responsibility for everything happening in the world and will blame no one but yourself. If everyone took total responsibility, then people wouldn’t be mad at other people, they wouldn’t try to control them, and they wouldn’t live in fear.
You actually would love a world in which everyone took personal responsibility. The Drama Triangle only works if people refuse to take personal responsibility. Taking responsibility ends the drama. The fruit of the belief system of law of attraction is excellent. It’s not a rotten tree. It bears good fruit. But, people profess it and don’t believe it.
I know. I interacted with those sorts of people, the ones who professed a belief in the law of attraction on Facebook in 2020, and it turns out trying to tell them you can’t get sick unless you attract that sickness just made them mad. This post was deleted from groups.
So, taking personal responsibility, I moved to other social media platforms with more like-minded people. If you want to see the law of attraction perspective on health you can read my article and/or watch the video embedded in it.
According to the law of attraction, your beliefs determine what you see in this world. You perceive what you believe. If you believe you’re always going to be treated poorly by racists, you’ll see evidence of it everywhere. So, because I believe this, I wanted to question all of my beliefs that I felt were harming me.
Because of this belief system, I am constantly questioning beliefs. I recognize what is a belief even when others don’t. Now, onto the meat of my article.
Social Justice
Peter Boghossian posted a video about whether or not social justice should be taught in schools. The president of Portland State University said racial justice is the highest priority of the university.
“My highest priority is sustaining and amplifying our commitment to racial justice.” Stephen Percy
The idea of "Social Justice" is built on the presupposition that there is some sort of injustice in this world. It's a belief system. People with a faith that God is in control and that there is some sort of higher, natural justice, or those who believe in karma could and would disagree with the premise based on their beliefs/faith.
Because of this, I believe no school (unless private, faith-based) should be teaching students to basically become social justice warriors.
Social Justice Warriors (SJWs)
Social Justice Warriors are the “Savior” or “Rescuer” role in the drama triangle. The name implies that there is injustice in the world, which means it implies that people are victims who need saving. Because they’ve chosen the term “Warrior” to show they “fight” for the victims, it means they are taking on that rescuer role. To fight like a warrior you will need a persecutor to go up against, of course. When you hear someone refer to themselves as a Social Justice Warrior always think of this savior role.
Social Justice Warriors have a limiting belief that there are injustices in this world that they need to fight to end. These limiting beliefs are like blind spots. We can’t see that they’re beliefs rather than facts.
Once upon a time, people believed that humans would never be able to fly like birds. They had limiting beliefs. But they believed it was a fact at the time. It’s only until you question your beliefs that you find out it wasn’t actually a fact, but just a belief that could be wrong.
Examples of Woke Beliefs Seen as Facts
I feel there is a group of people, perhaps they see themselves as intellectuals, who think "faith" makes you "less than." Because of pride, they see themselves as higher and put "faithful" people down below them. They don't want to look stupid for having "faith" so they can’t see that their beliefs are faith, not fact.
Climate Change
Climate Change is a Gnostic faith/belief that there is no (good) God watching over the climate of the world. It's a faith in Scientism (not science because they reject scientists who reject the climate change theory). Proposed climate taxes are similar to a tithe to the religion. Since some people reject this theory, it is not a fact we all agree on, but a belief system.
Gender Ideology
Gender ideology (another Gnostic belief) says we are gendered spirits living in these biological bodies. It suggests some evil or incompetent God placed some people in the wrong body. How do we prove if gendered spirits exist? That's not falsifiable. That's a faith. Because many people reject this belief, it’s not a fact we all agree on, but a belief system.
Children Sexual At Birth?
Are children sexual at birth? Do we need to teach them about sex early on? Will they inevitably end up being raped if not warned? I would argue it's the other way. A program designed to reduce teen pregnancy results in more.
Teaching children about sex early can get them accustomed to it. Some of the recent books in schools are being accused of being grooming tools. This belief/faith that children need sex info early comes from Kinsey & fake data.
My belief is that our schools, tv, movies, ads, and society at large are all increasingly sexual and producing an overly-sexualized generation of children. Are children in Amish or other rural areas as sexually inclined as city children? I bet there's a difference. Children emulate what they see in society. In more faith-based reserved societies children aren’t as sex-crazed as in more liberal societies. Children being sexual at birth is not a fact that we all agree on. It’s a belief of people who were taught lies based on faulty data.
All White People Are Racist?
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is another Gnostic belief system. It says this world is built on systemic racism & white people can't stop being racist. Is that true? It's not a fact. It's a faith. This is a belief that some people have.
COVID Insanity
Note: This was written in 2021
If everyone got vaccinated we would no longer have to worry about COVID. Is that a fact? No. It's a false belief that some hold. Do we need masks and vaccines to get healthy? I don't believe that. I believe they're false idols. I'm ok with saying that is my belief (faith) system.
Faith in Schools
Climate Change, sex education, gender ideology, germ theory, and Critical Race Applied Principles (CRAP) are being taught in schools all over this nation currently. These are faiths.
Regardless if you agree with some or all of these faiths, it's a combination of church & state. Prideful people (who can't admit they're people of "faith") will tell you these beliefs are 100% true & you're the idiot for not agreeing with them because they look down on people of faith.
If it was just that, it wouldn't matter. But they're in power and trying to force things now. Now they want you to tithe (pay taxes to pay for health “care", climate change, sex-change operations, sex-ed in schools, CRT/CRAP in schools). They want to force you to wear a mask or vaccinate because they’re afraid of getting sick (germ theory). They're religious zealots.
Religious Tolerance
To be truly tolerant of someone else’s belief system, you must recognize it as their belief system. Someone who is deathly afraid of a virus will not tolerate you not wearing a mask or getting a vaccine because their belief in viruses overrides their ability to recognize that other people don’t believe in viruses. They think this is a fact we should all agree on. So they won’t tolerate your questioning of it.
Those who believe that all white people are racist and that we need to teach how to be anti-racist in schools (so we can “end” racism that way) can’t tolerate that you think their beliefs are just beliefs and not fact. They will say you’re racist if you question their belief system. They cannot see that you have a different belief system than them. They just think you’re “evil” for not agreeing to what they believe is reality.
We could live pretty peacefully together if we were tolerant of each other’s belief systems. But forcing people to get vaccinated against their belief in the immune system is anything but religious tolerance. The same goes for forcing people to wear a mask and forcing children to be taught the gendered-souls belief in school.
Competing Theories
I would also add teaching people theories as facts in school does include germ theory. But, I am ok if most people want to keep that in schools. I just think people should be allowed to hear other competing theories to have a well-rounded education. We should allow people to hear competing theories without condescension. But I don’t know how many teachers could teach terrain theory or flat earth theories without being condescending.
It sure would make for more interesting classes, learning about competing theories and having debates. I’d appreciate it if children learned how to see things from new perspectives and learned how to debate the opposing side of what they actually believe. I think that seeing controversial things from new perspectives would help future generations to become more truly tolerant. But, for now, our schools are teaching things without debate and it makes people less tolerant of competing beliefs.