I attended the committee hearing of HB 1696 last night. This bill would prevent children from being maimed and injured with surgery or puberty blockers or cross sex hormones. There were three conference rooms full of pink, blue and purple haired, tatted, shaved headed, bearded men wearing dresses and all sorts of “trans” people there, shouting and cheering in the overflow rooms every time they thought they scored a point. I, dressed conservatively and with my gray hair conspicuously looking conservative, was the enemy. Haters, they called us, just because we do not believe the lie that is trans gender. These people are deranged, I have not doubt. They want to remake the world to fit their insanity. I pray for them and us.

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She is 100% responsible for her actions on Monday. That doesn't mean other people or movements don't share responsibility. The mental health practitioners who made it illegal for their colleagues to counsel people against transgenderism should be on trial for their part in this. The pharmaceutical companies who push chemicals that cause hormonal imbalance should have to fork over billions of dollars to the families of the dead. Her parents should be thoroughly investigated for their part in this. The LGBT rainbow is rightfully being villified for encouraging the victim mentality that brought her to this place. The "woke" mentality that casts everyone who isn't a cis white male as a victim of oppression should also be told they need to shut up now. The government officials that allow gender mutilation and lifelong chemical castration are also guilty. Ditto the voters who put them into office. And the medical community that prescribes these drugs and amputations without fully working out the ramifications. Possibly the school and church members bear some responsibility too since she was a former student. Some deep soul-searching should be done by all. Most especially a society that teaches life is cheap when we kill the most innocent within the womb is guilty of creating an environment where people think all life is cheap and it's okay to kill people to get the attention you crave. But the shooter is 100% responsible for those six deaths. Everybody else are just unwitting accomplices to her crime.

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If she wanted to keep her parents out of her medical and mental care, she could especially during the last 10 years. Even if her parents saw her spiraling down mentality they could not do anything

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