"I wish they could find the peace that comes from finding your identity from within, rather than without (from the world), because they will never find peace that way."

Amazingly, this sort of thing takes a level of bravery most people don't. Most people are afraid of themselves, of their strengths and weaknesses, their light and their shadow. To find your identity within is a lonely and difficult undertaking, as it quite literally just "me, myself, and I" on the journey.

But I wish that society would tout the benefits of going on such a soul journey. While lonely, it's a deeply fulfilling, eternal journey that lasts a lifetime. It gives us purpose and strength to survive and understand the world.

"Within yourselves deliverance must be sought; / Each man his prison makes." -- Sir Edwin Arnold

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I think it takes energy and a lot of people are lazy. I don't know that it takes bravery. I just felt like it was something I had to do to be free and happy. When that becomes your goal, it doesn't matter how difficult it is you will simply do the work. I couldn't do anything else.

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That's 100% right on the money.

The same goes for all those screwy diversity training classes. They can all be condensed down to, "Live your life trying to *not* offend people based on their race, while simultaneously *not* identifying their race -- because that's racist." It's nonsense first of all. Second, you will live a completely hollow life trying to please others all the time. It will sap your energy and leave you beaten and defeated.

Diversity training is about teaching you to hate yourself, and setting you up for failure. It's truly mind-fuckery.

People need to find their identity like Barbara said -- from within, or from God. Everything else is a path to ultimate failure. It's a string of never ending goal post movements.

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DEI will DIE because it is unconstitutional. It is only a matter of time before they get sued now that the Supreme Court ruled on affirmative action.

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We can hope so, but the culture of it will continue to fester.

DEI, and ESG are about manipulation from the financial side. Banks can create their own scoring systems for business credit worthiness. That's why they set it up the way they did.

I believe it was the guy from BlackRock that said, "We have to find ways to force companies to do what we want through financing." or something like that.

They are coming at this from every possible angle.

The idea is to get the culture [company culture] to start to accept the controls, and just keep doing things on their own. Then it won't matter, because it will be self sustaining.

It's like legalizing a racket. It's the coercion part of it that makes it illegal. If companies adopt it on their own there's not much to stop that.

They'll just find new names for it to keep it outside of existing legal restrictions.

It's always a time game with these pukes.

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You might find some actionable items here.

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