Does anyone deserve to be raped?
People in the Drama Triangle wish torture on their perceived "persecutors"
I’m surprised to see people on Twitter suggesting women deserved to be raped because they were soldiers on the “wrong” side fighting with people they should not be fighting with. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because this is how it is with people stuck in the drama triangle.
If you are seen as a “persecutor” then the “savior” or “victim” will think anything goes. They think you deserve to be beaten, tortured, and/or raped because you were the one who “brought this on yourself.” They use this to justify any and all actions against the “persecutor.”
People outside of the Drama Triangle are the sorts of people who want peace. They will try to let you do your own thing while they do their own thing. They try to find compromises.
But people inside the Drama Triangle will never want to compromise with a perceived “persecutor.” They want victory. They want a conquest.
wrote on Twitter about this desire for conquest. You can click on the image to see the whole thread.A short part of what he wrote:
Look at the women Hamas kidnaped; this is a revenge driven Bronze Age style raid of enemy territory for women and weapons. Taliban fighters who got border of peace and desk jobs (pic 1) are asking to Iran to let them conquer Jerusalem (pic 2). Why? because peace is not the goal here. This is, literally, a Bronze Age mindset in which conquering the enemy and seeking glory is the goal. This is an attempt at a slave taking, woman stealing, city burning, "sacking" of Israel according to a Bronze Age moral code in which conquering your enemies and taking territory is considered to be good.
That is what is happening here. Trying to think about this as though.... Hamas has a modern mindset in which ending the war and creating peace is the larger goal is to totally misunderstand the worldview of groups like Isis, Hamas, Hezbollah, and so on.
Peace is not the goal here: conquering is the goal. The goal is battle, glory, victory. Trying to offer them peace isn't going to work. They don't want peace, they want to taste glory. Hamas sees the Jewish people as an enemy to be conquered, not an equal to make peace with.
Until you understand this, you cannot understand what is happening.
Hamas sees themselves as “saviors” taking over “persecutors.” They don’t want to negotiate. You would not behave this way, raping and torturing women, if you simply wanted to negotiate a peace deal. This is primal, animalistic behavior. It’s not civilized.
And if anyone else does the exact same thing I would say the exact same thing. This has nothing to do with picking a side. But, why did I write that? Because people seem to think of Israel and Palestine as teams for which to root.
You are guilty by association if you pick the wrong side, right? So many people want to say, the women deserved (or should have expected) to be raped because they were associating with the wrong people and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
No one deserves to be raped or tortured. NO ONE.
I believe people have a right (and they need to exercise that right) to enforce their boundaries. I believe in the right to self-defense. But raping and torturing are not self-defense.
If someone comes into your home and attacks you, their life is fair game. But playing with your enemy to get some animalistic glee is wrong.
That’s likely the difference between people in and outside of the Drama Triangle. People outside of the Drama Triangle enforce their boundaries and may even feel guilty about killing or hurting another in order to do so. But people inside the Drama Triangle enjoy fighting with their “persecutor.” They derive pleasure from seeing the “persecutor” suffer.
US Politics
What sucks is that I see the same dynamic in Democrats (and a few Republicans) today. So many want to see the other side suffer.
There’s a difference between wanting boundaries enforced and being gleeful about death.
talked about one of those incidences where someone with Democrat beliefs got attacked because of the dangerous environment made by those same beliefs. He discussed it around 1 hour and 20 minutes into the video on Rumble. He said, “I’m not happy that these people have been murdered, but I’m not broken up over it either.”It simply is the way of the world, that if you don’t enforce boundaries, people will step over them and may kill you. Why should we be broken up over the facts of life? But, note, that he is not happy.
For any of you who feel happiness in the death of people like this, I would tell you to consider if you are embroiled in the Drama Triangle. Do you see these people as “evil” and getting their comeuppance? Or are you simply not broken up because this is just how life works? That’s up to you to decide.
I started with the Republicans because I think we all know Democrats have glee when Republicans die or get hurt. Just think back on all of those posts about anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers getting COVID and dying. They were mocked. Every time a prominent Republican dies, they get gleeful talking about them being in hell now, presumably burned for eternity. They like the idea of their “enemies” going through torture.
Emotions Let You Know
Your emotions let you know where you stand. How are you looking at things? Do you feel excited that someone is brutally hurt or killed? Do you hate them so much you would wish these things on your enemies? Or are you a matter-of-fact thinking about the situation with a calm thought process?
Like, I said, I can’t judge you. Only you can judge yourself. But I will stay the fuck away from people who show signs of this glee. They’re not to be trusted. As soon as you fall into associating with the “persecutor” in their minds, you’re fair game for torture too. These sorts are not to be trusted.
Hillary said that MAGA supporters should be “deprogrammed.” She thinks something like half of the country is brainwashed and needs “saving” so they start to associate with her side instead of Trump, the “persecutor.”
You know how I wrote above that Hamas wouldn’t be raping women if they wanted to negotiate peace and compromise? Hillary wouldn’t be saying things like this if she wanted peace with half this nation. Biden has made many such remarks stoking division too. He’s the most divisive US President I have ever seen.
People who have this mindset are not to be trusted.
We Need To Support Boundaries & the Men Who Keep Them
And I went to bed very thankful I live in South Dakota right now and not Israel. I appreciate that I’m here. I appreciate that I’m surrounded by men with guns who would protect me from savages. But, I wrote that I live in “South Dakota,” and not the “United States” because we’re not united and in some states, there would be no such protection for me.
Thanks to all the men who fought for the freedom to bear arms and continue to do so today.
It’s the glee that did me in. The young woman tucked haphazardly in the truck as men cheered around her lifeless body. I have only one emotion for anyone who does or defends this. And it isn’t empathy. At the very least, even in the most horrific moments, we can’t let go of our humanity.
You make some great points. I would agree that the distinction is something like emotional thinking versus calm or detached fact-based thinking. We all do both, but reverting to emotional thinking when we see some event where our ostensible cultural enemies get hurt is a sign of a lack of humanity. This is echoed in your comments about the rapes. Shocking stuff.
Perhaps one outcome of our decline will be a renewed appreciation of how difficult it is to create and maintain a first world nation. We seem to be run by people who take a great deal for granted. I would argue this is just another facet of that emotional thinking. It is not a detached or fact-based analysis. Failing to protect borders is one example of this. Many entering Western nations have no capacity to maintain them. Those who enter illegally are already criminals after all. A bad start.