It’s the glee that did me in. The young woman tucked haphazardly in the truck as men cheered around her lifeless body. I have only one emotion for anyone who does or defends this. And it isn’t empathy. At the very least, even in the most horrific moments, we can’t let go of our humanity.

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You make some great points. I would agree that the distinction is something like emotional thinking versus calm or detached fact-based thinking. We all do both, but reverting to emotional thinking when we see some event where our ostensible cultural enemies get hurt is a sign of a lack of humanity. This is echoed in your comments about the rapes. Shocking stuff.

Perhaps one outcome of our decline will be a renewed appreciation of how difficult it is to create and maintain a first world nation. We seem to be run by people who take a great deal for granted. I would argue this is just another facet of that emotional thinking. It is not a detached or fact-based analysis. Failing to protect borders is one example of this. Many entering Western nations have no capacity to maintain them. Those who enter illegally are already criminals after all. A bad start.

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No one deserves to be raped. The mere thought of it is outrageous. I was married 50 years, and I have two adult daughters and I'm a grandfather and I'm 81 years old and anyone who wrote such a thing is crazy. What a bizarre world we live in.

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I can't dispute the argument. I agree 99% of the time. But maybe I have a little Bronze Age myself. There definitely are people, whom I consider evil. And some of them deserve to suffer.

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They are suffering. People usually can't see that though. That's why God said vengeance is His to take, not ours. As I said in the article I see nothing wrong with self defense even when having to kill someone. I'm against torture.

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"Revenge-driven Bronze Age -style raid." BAWAHAHAHA!

Sorry, but that's absurd, unless you are also willing to make the same comparison between the modern Israel-Arab conflict and the conquest, and sometimes very much bragged-about genocide, of the Canaanites by the Israelites in the real Bronze Age.

Does anyone deserve to be raped, you ask, But you don't ask, does anyone deserve to be subject to ethnic cleansing and apartheid? If you support Israel, you must answer Yes.

Condemning the Palestinians while not taking into account what the Israelis are doing unto them is as disingenuous as my own ancestors condemning the Comanches raiding them after they settled on land they KNEW the Comanche considered their own.

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You didn't seem to finish reading what I wrote before running to the comment section. I wrote, in this very same article: "And if anyone else does the exact same thing I would say the exact same thing. This has nothing to do with picking a side. But, why did I write that? Because people seem to think of Israel and Palestine as teams for which to root."

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