The Drama Triangle Offers Win-Lose "Solutions"
But there is a way to have a win-win solution instead
I was reminded of this scene in Fargo Season 1, where there is a story told about a man who wanted to “save” others. It’s basically a parable and starts at 1:05.
The rich man gives away all his wealth and, yet, still, there are many who are suffering. Then he tries to give away his body parts to those in need. But he’s told that giving away too many body parts would be suicide. So he kills himself to donate his body to those in need. The man telling the story says at the end, “Only a fool thinks he can solve the world’s problems,” to which comes the question, “But you gotta try, don’t you?”
HOW Do You Try To Save The Word?
If you give away parts of yourself, including money to taxes, it will never solve the world’s problems. People who see themselves as saviors have this sort of mentality that if enough money was donated we could solve everything, so they hate the rich. They complain about people not giving more in taxes and get mad at Elon Musk for using his money to buy Twitter rather than to feed the hungry. That is seeing this through the eyes, or perceptual lens, of the Drama Triangle. If you are not “with them,” then they deem you to be a “persecutor” who is “against them,” and devoid of any humanity.
They view it as a win-lose “solution.” They think you have to take from the rich to give to the poor to solve things. You have to take health from the healthy (by forcing vaccinations that can damage or kill) to give health to the unhealthy. You have to take education from the “gifted” students to give education to the less-gifted students. They think someone has to lose in order for others to find equity and “win.”
Another Perceptual Lens
There’s a win-win solution out there. The more people are allowed to be free, the more they do things that benefit others. The rich man in the video clip above could have used his money to make profitable businesses that helped people get healthy, such as gyms that make money but also have programs for the poor to get free or cheaper services. He could have offered free classes on how to build wealth too like the “teach a man to fish to feed him forever” parable suggests to do.
Elon Musk knows the importance of freedom of expression and is helping to allow that which will have a butterfly effect that helps many more people than simply giving away food to the hungry. Without freedom of expression, bad ideas grow because they’re not being pushed back against. Allowing your beliefs to be questioned creates stronger and more accurate beliefs. That leads to innovation.
If people actually had freedom then what they did would benefit themselves, yes. But by benefiting themselves they would benefit others also. If you wanted to make more money, what would you do? You would provide a service or product that other people would want to give you money for, right? Making a lot of money requires people to be benefitting from what you are offering them (unless they’re being forced by rules/regulations to purchase it).
Some people cannot understand that to help others, the best thing is to help yourself first. Like a parent on an airplane knows to put their mask on first before assisting their children. If they aren’t taking care of themselves, then no one is being helped and they all can suffer and/or die.
Right now a lot of people are being hindered by large taxes and inflation that all come from the result of the government trying to “save” people. It’s like putting chains around people and being shocked they can’t help others. There is another way to really benefit people that doesn’t require taking from others.
The win-win solution is not to steal from people, but to let people be free.
Freedom is essential
This is the truest thing.