We have too many laws! Small government is good government. Big government is tyranny.

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Of course. And it's bizarre to me that so many people seem to want to keep passing more. It's like they see that things are unruly but they don't think we already have laws for it (since they must assume things wouldn't be unruly if we did have the laws). It's the same thinking of people who want to pass gun control laws as if it would stop criminals from having guns.

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No kidding! It seems like everyone says "taxes are too high" / "government is too big" and the next thing out of their mouth is "we need a new law / program for XYZ".

Yes, it's a simple concept but making crime (more) illegal is rather pointless. Don't want criminals to have guns? Well, more gun *laws* isn't going to do anything to help with that!

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