The Problem of Looking to the Government to Save You
And the woman who didn't know she could eat lemons from her tree
In the United States, there are more and more people looking up to Big Pharma and the government to “save” them. Two very common ways are that those who get sick feel they need medication and those who fear getting sick feel they need vaccines so they both look up to Big Pharma to “save” them. Another way, perhaps a bit more subtle, is women who want to not worry about having a baby looking to Big Pharma to “save” them from completing a pregnancy.
Now, you may be thinking that there are real victims here. You may think you or someone you know does need Big Pharma. As always, the difference between playing “victim” and being a real victim comes down to if the person takes personal responsibility. Most abortions are not from women who were raped or too young to understand the consequences. Children and rape victims are victims. It’s good that (thanks to Big Pharma) we have the ability to basically ensure they don’t get pregnant with the morning-after pill.
And, yes, sometimes people have health conditions that are very serious and they are responsible and taking care of their health by getting medication, thanks to Big Pharma. Please understand when I speak about people playing “victims” I’m not referring to them. You can supply your own “not alls.”
Making Children Into “Saviors”
In 2020, people started to mask their children even though their children were not going to be affected by COVID at anywhere near the same rate as adults or the elderly. The reason the children were masked was “to protect others.” When schools started opening up again the teachers wanted to wait because they were afraid of catching COVID. They wanted the children to be masked at all times so that they personally wouldn’t get sick. Teachers saw themselves as potential “victims,” unmasked children were “persecutors” (spreaders of disease), and masked children became “saviors.”
The same thing then happened with the vaccines. Campaigns from “authorities” like the following were promoted. “Be a vaccine hero” it says while showing a bunch of children in superhero outfits. Society was promoting that children will be our “saviors.”
I was reading this Substack article from
today and I thought about this all over again. Freya wrote, “Then there’s this framing of it as activism. Actually, more than activism—now it’s almost a duty. You need to open up because it helps other people! Maybe, but does it help you? You, a 15 year-old girl, are not responsible for removing the stigma around autism or ADHD.”No, children are not responsible for removing stigma. No one is personally responsible for removing stigma. If people get offended (feel stigmatized) that’s on them. It’s not our responsibility to make sure other people don’t feel stigmatized.
Saviors take the weight of the world on their shoulders and it’s insane that people are trying to put the weight of the world onto children. But they do it all the time. They’re also trying to turn children into climate activists, and anti-racist activists, and really, the list goes on and on. It’s sickening.
In all of these activist roles they want the children to take on you’ll see that they look to ally with the government or Big Pharma. A child plus a mask could be seen as savior allies. A child such as Greta Thunberg may try to work with politicians or may try to become a part of the government in the future because that’s often seen as the only way to “save” the climate.
There’s a heavy reliance on Big Pharma and the government to come “save” us. But all that does is promote that we are still “victims” and can’t do anything without those “Saviors.” [I don’t follow Greta, but it looks like she may have given up on feeling like a total victim, and stopped waiting for the politicians to save her based on this: Film Club: ‘Greta Thunberg Has Given Up on Politicians’. ]
If you always feel like a victim, waiting for a savior, you’ll stay feeling powerless. No one wants to feel that way their whole life. When people wake up they start looking for all of the things they can personally do to solve their problems - they become responsible mature adults.
Making People Into Victims
On another note, I was watching this video from TimCast about a 28-year-old who didn’t know that she could take lemons from her lemon tree and eat them. She owns a lemon tree and was still purchasing lemons from the store. Someone told her that could just eat her lemons and she thought that something had to be done with them first.
Now, some might claim it was simply that some people grow up in a cushy “laptop class” environment (the “virtuals”) and never have to deal with the real-world “farming” environment (“the physicals”). There is something to that. But I want to go further here.
People have been taught that they need BigPharma and governmental agencies to pasteurize their food and make sure it’s “safe” to eat. Many people are afraid to drink raw milk probably only because we have made it illegal. It doesn’t take much more than the government outlawing something for people to say, “Then we shouldn’t eat it.”
Governments have been leaning more toward putting regulations and fines on people for selling food without their say-so. Stores throw out perfectly good food every day because they could get sued if they sold something past the expiration date, even if it was still okay to eat.
Our society has made it so we all seem to be “victims” who need the government to come in and say, “It’s clean. You can eat it now.” People are deathly afraid of eating a raw egg, raw milk, or fermenting their own food. I understand that these things can go bad… but we’re overly afraid. People don’t feel confident in themselves. They don’t feel as if they can learn how to prepare things safely so they rely on someone else to do it.
This 28-year-old woman was afraid of eating her own lemons because she thought she has to wait for some company or government agency to look it over and call it “safe to eat.”
The more we prop up the government and Big Pharma as our “Saviors,” the more we act like victims who can’t harvest our own lemons. Relying on the government to do these things for us creates helpless people. What are people like her supposed to do in an emergency? I’ve heard so many preppers say, “Grow your own food.”
People like this will not know how to or would be afraid to even. That’s frightening. The reliance on the government (and never themselves) can make it impossible to lessen our government’s authoritarian bent.
I have written elsewhere that our government is a reflection of the people. If the people overwhelmingly were responsible adults who didn’t feel like they needed the government to run things for them, the government would deflate. They could repeal extraneous laws and regulations. But, so long as we have people who want the government to take care of figuring out if our lemons or milk are safe to eat and drink, the government will stay as it is or grow bigger.
This is why I want parents to teach their children to take personal responsibility. That will end our slavery to the government. That’s my end goal here.
Excellent article. I really appreciate your work.