Theories abound today that others are shills, or events are faked, or even AI deep-faked, and that there is a psychological operation being implemented on us. I believe that these things happen, but I’ve had to shake my head in disbelief at the new ones I have been hearing. Josh Slocum wrote about how this is a result of being lied to and gaslit on a large scale. I believe that.
I decided to write a note about that article with my thoughts and a link to the video about Short Term New World Order Freak Out Syndrome. Whether or not this is about the “New World Order,” many people in our society are going through the Short Term Freak Out Syndrome discussed in the video.
And, you don’t have to watch the video. As I mentioned in the note it’s very Christian-based and he doesn’t think women want to know the truth and won’t be affected like men. I was the one going through it when I first started studying all the “Truther” topics. My mate at the time didn’t want to hear any of it. Here is a quote from Chris White in the video:
"I think it should have a clinical name, like Short Term New World Order Freakout Syndrome or something like that. In reality this 'syndrome' is actually less about the New World Order and more about human psychology. You've just found out that most of what you thought you knew about the world isn't true at all. That can be traumatizing, especially for people who put a lot of stock into what they know about the world... we really like to explain how the world works to people...when you fall down the rabbit hole, it's like you've had your mind washed. Everything that you thought you knew has been swept away and you begin this mad dash to try to rebuild your knowledge about the world. And all of what you're finding out about this world in that search seems to suggest an epicness of great proportion. And, it is epic."
"You are a sitting duck for all kinds of wrong stuff at this early stage because you have been mentally traumatized and you're staying up nights sweating as you're trying to determine what is true and what's not, trying to rebuild your world view."
He also discusses how the person will now attempt to try to “wake up” everyone in their life. They will blurt out things they have been studying to people who do not care and who actually don’t want to hear it.
This is a “Savior” move and embarrassingly I have done this and still once in a while catch myself inclined to do it again when I see someone wrong on the internet. But, what I will do (when I catch myself doing this or simply wanting to do it) is to remind myself, that it’s okay that they believe what they do (that’s their right), and I will work on releasing my emotions and beliefs that have caused me to have a desire to “save” someone from being wrong. I have gotten so much better than I was in the past from my very own Short-Term NWO Freak Out Syndrome back in 2015.
But, if I’m recovering from this syndrome, still, in 2024, almost a decade later, what does that say about all of the people who are only now finding out about all the lies in this world? In 2020, way more people believed vaccines were good for them. There was a large increase in people actually studying “the science” over the next couple of years and deciding against them. All of these people were now open to studying other things they thought were true and they may now be questioning them and starting their own Short-Term NWO Freak Out.
We’ve all Been Traumatized
Our World Views Have Been Shaken
And, in 2020, things I thought were true, like that the government had no right to shut down businesses…. well, it’s true. They didn’t have the right, but they did it anyway. Or, should I say, the businesses decided to not enforce their boundaries, didn’t disobey the unconstitutional orders, and made the government think they had the right?
My worldview came crashing down again as I watched people obey unconstitutional mandates. I didn’t think that was possible. People were behaving in odd ways that my previous view of the world would not allow me to consider. I had to tear that worldview down and see people in a new light.
And, for those who were afraid of COVID, and saw anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers as evil, they entered a new world they didn’t believe in before either. They shut out their own families and friends because they now saw them as enemies.
We Felt Like Victims
Yes, being lied to hurts. You could say we have been damaged in some way. But why did we believe as we did? We had too much faith in people. That faith or trust in others was not earned. We gave up the responsibility to double-check facts or do our own research. Whose responsibility was that? It was ours.
The initial reaction to finding out you’ve been lied to is to feel like a victim. It’s like a gut punch. We don’t want to emotionally deal with the fact that we had shifted that responsibility to check facts on other people and it wasn’t those others who let us down, it was ourselves. We were lazy and just wanted to trust what they had to say rather than look into it ourselves.
I’m sure you’re reading this and thinking about COVID because of my lead-up, but as I’m writing this I’m thinking about the bible and a friend who got so mad because she found out there were lies in the bible. We trusted that the bible was infallible. Why did we do that?
We’re taught about things in school, theories as if they’re facts. We’re taught about things in church, things we just accept as facts because the preacher said so. Those preachers and teachers went to school and accepted what they learned as facts also.
Many people explaining how the world works and about beliefs were just sharing what they learned without questioning it either. Many preachers and teachers are unaware when they say something untrue. Sure, some of them may be aware and do it anyway, but I think a lot of people saying incorrect things believe them. That makes them seem very confident, and we believe that confidence represents some fact-checking on their part, but it often doesn’t.
Looking For Persecutors
The next reaction, when wanting to avoid taking responsibility for being an unquestioning follower, is to find a scapegoat. You look for someone to blame. You look for a “persecutor.” You can blame the preacher, teacher, reporter, MSM talking heads, the “elite,” the UN, etc.
It feels good to get your anger out onto other people rather than yourself. It feels much better than feeling like a victim.
Looking To Be a Savior
Now you see other people who still believe the false things you did, and you want to save them. This is the freak-out that turns people off. Those other people don’t feel like victims. They don’t want your “help.” When you start screaming about vaccines or 5G being harmful, they see you the same way they’d see someone screaming on the street about the dangers of hellfire for being a sinner.
The Drama of Powerless Christianity
People Are Freaking Out En Masse
So, we have a bunch of new people learning that they were lied to, not wanting to take responsibility for trusting the wrong people on certain, important issues, and getting angry. They want to take out that anger on others (rather than come to terms with their own part in allowing themselves to be deceived).
They want a scapegoat and they want to play “Savior” to feel better about having been one of those poor deceived people. And, the Drama Triangle games continue. They will continue until people realize that they had a responsibility to check if certain “experts” really knew what they were talking about or if they were regurgitating something they heard. And it will continue as long as they believe other people have no responsibility to do the same thing.
Everyone who wouldn’t listen to “conspiracy theorists” but would listen to the MSM had the responsibility to double-check or see if the “experts” had some sort of ulterior motive for saying what they were or if they even knew what they were talking about.
It’s not your responsibility to save people like that. I know it can feel like it is, but it’s not.
“Saviors” Become “Persecutors”
If you play savior, you will likely start to look like a “persecutor” to others. If they don’t want your “help” you can cause more issues. After reading Notes all week, Josh’s article, and then writing my Note on the freak-out syndrome, I thought that would be it. But I looked on YouTube this morning and found this video.
A therapist uploaded a fun giveaway to resort vacations and gift cards, etc. And, his own fans thought it was a deep fake, started warning people it was a scam, and asked them to report it to YouTube (to get it taken down).
People who are freaking out about what is real and not, now are pre-disposed to thinking real things are fake. It’s going to take some time for people to gauge if something is real or fake. For too long we have relied on “experts” to figure these things out. But now people are willing to take internet strangers’ opinions on things. We relied on crutches so much that now we are like toddlers learning to walk again. Except some people really don’t want to take this responsibility to look into things themselves.
I understand that. There are certain subjects that I am agnostic about nowadays because I fully realize that I don’t have the time to look into them carefully enough to form an opinion. People will have to start getting better at being okay with that uncertainty.
People also have been gaslit enough that they don’t trust their own perspectives and experiences as real. You do have a gut instinct and you can learn to trust yourself. Please accept that you are capable of thinking for yourself and don’t take strangers’ perspectives for the gospel truth.
The Drama of It All Substack is where I share my perspective on the drama triangle games people play today. I want to help you understand them so that you can extricate yourself from the drama. Knowledge is power. Thanks for reading!
Just read a fascinating article about boredom and its role in the current political/social/media landscape. It does make sense that search for meaning would propel people into this savior dynamic. Unfortunately, we live in one of the safest, if not the most safe, times in human history. People create struggle for the sake of it, and someone needs to be wrong for that to gain traction. Here is the article if I may share.
While these people are indeed lunatics I would avoid describing anyone as a truther as this term is being used to delegitimize any criticism of any establishment narrative. Using this phrase may make the people you are trying to convince see you as an establishment shill and help those trying to silence the actual truth by normalize this language.