In the following video, President Biden is asked, "Can you tell us, sir - Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly, what's your response to that, sir?" His response is a large grin. Apparently, it’s being referred to as the #BidenSmirk. He’s thrilled that Trump feels like a political prisoner.
President Biden’s response is not to say, “Trump isn’t a political prisoner, that’s balderdash.” His response shows us that he agrees with that understanding of the situation and is pleased.
I had an idea for an article this morning and I was not sure I would write it. But coming home from work, and seeing this, just made me feel like it was necessary. Many things could be said about Biden’s response. He clearly doesn’t think he’s going to get in trouble for admitting such a thing, he has no remorse, he’d do this to all of his detractors in a heartbeat if he could, etc. But others can write more in-depth on those topics.
My original topic was going to be about having hate in one’s heart. And I was probably going to post it on my more Christian Substack. But my focus is the political more than Christian here. That said, my perspective is from Jesus’s teachings. So I’ll share a few verses here:
Matthew 5:21 “You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ 22 But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
27 “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’j 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 So if your eye—even your good eye—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your hand—even your stronger hand—causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
My point here is that the actions of physically murdering someone or physically breaking up a marriage with adultery are symptoms. The physical actions are not the “original sin.” The sin he’s talking about is the hatred or lust in the heart. That’s the sickness.
I’m sure some will disagree with me, but when I see people bring up feeding pedophiles to woodchippers I cringe. I don’t care if a man kills another who has abused his child. That’s just fucking around and finding out. It’s the brutality of the wood chipper that makes me nervous. It shows that the person is okay with torture.
Look For How People Treat Their Enemies
When people start dating they may be on their best behavior. It’s best to see how they react in situations where you’re not around, and to people they dislike. It’s good to figure their true personality out before becoming committed to them because at some point you’re going to fight and they’re going to be mad at you. Then they may very well treat you the way they treat their “enemies.” So, how do they treat their enemies?
Christ said to pray for your enemies. The mission, God’s plan and purpose, is to try to help people repent and start doing some good instead of evil. So, they don’t wish evil people dead, they wish them to repent.
Ezekiel 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord YHWH: wherefore turn (repent), and live.
If you’re interested in the Christian take on this, here is an older video of mine on the subject, and I may have changed my thoughts a bit since I recorded it, but probably not too much.
Ephesians 4:26 “Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.
Anger is not a sin. Wrath on the other hand…
The Wrathful Left
Okay, enough with the bible stuff. I was on Twitter last night after the news broke about Trump’s guilty verdict. I could see some of the left’s response. I wouldn’t want to look at that for too long. I didn’t watch any mainstream coverage of it. Here is a video that shows why I wanted to write about this topic. This is a woman finding out that the jury came back and said he was guilty on all charges.
I found that video on Twitter. I have no idea who the lady is or why it was uploaded. I’m going to assume this is an actual response and say a little prayer for the dog who has to live with her. We know people like this don’t we? They’re the sort of people who cried when Trump was elected.
Edit: Here is another video of the show The View, where the audience “oohs” and claps at the idea of Trump being sent to Rikers prison. Sunny says the sentence is not just to rehabilitate and punish but also to send a message to the community that this will not happen again. Well, we got the message that they hate at least half of the country and would do it to us too.
For some reason, Trump is their “persecutor.” The “joy” in this woman is related to Biden's sly smile in the first video of this article. It’s Schadenfreude, the “joy” that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another.
People who label another as a persecutor have no qualms about that person being tortured because they have dehumanized them. They literally can’t even see the humanity in them any longer so they can’t empathize. They’ve turned them into insects that can be crushed without another thought. Speaking of dehumanizing people into insects… the MAGAt article is now free for all.
When you can see their bare souls — when they tell you who they are, in their hearts, believe them. If this is what they feel about their “persecutor” or “enemies” and if you disagree with them, then this is how they will feel about you.
When they tell you who they are, in their hearts, believe them.
What makes me sick from watching the fallout of the verdict is that everyone celebrating this would celebrate my demise if they could get away with it. Even if these sort of celebrators wouldn’t say it out loud, or maybe even admit it to themselves, they like to see people they disagree with in pain.
They’re happy the J6ers were persecuted because they viewed the J6ers as “persecutors” and just like Trump. They think everyone who votes for Trump is a “persecutor” and would wish the same fate on them, and let’s be clear, they want him humiliated and dead.
Even if they would never kill him themselves, they’re murderers in their hearts. I see them as murderers and basically psychopaths right now, and some of them are in positions of great power. I am hoping that more people are waking up to this than ever. Is it too late? I don’t know. What do you think?
EDIT: 7/13/24 I wrote a note about Trump being shot. These sorts of people would kill you too if they weren’t too scared of the consequences.
Thank you for reminding me of Jesus’ words to me. It’s hard not to get really angry at how the left reacts. It would be so easy to respond in kind. I pray God’s grace keeps me from this reaction.
I became friends with a woman because she was one of my best friends, friend.
She seemed very sweet in my opinion but I can’t say we bonded.
She had 4 kids and was always high when I saw her. But that’s her choice. No judgement, although I didn’t think it was appropriate.
One night we were chatting and Trump came up.
She turned vile. The hate spewing out of her was shocking.
I could never truly be a friend to her after that. Not because she disliked him, but she showed her true colors and it was ugly.
Like you stated in this post, I felt like she was capable of doing horrible things if she disliked you.
Kind of scary.
Sorry sweetie, no longer interested in continuing this friendship but she probably felt the same about me once she realized I wasn’t on the hate train.