Censorship & Mythologizing "Saviors" Leads to Worse Outcomes
We Need to Love Truth & Questions Above All Else
I was watching the 241st Evolutionary Lens (Dark Horse Podcast) episode with Bret Weinstein and
and wanted to write about something that was brought up. There is a relevant clip below, but the full video is on Rumble. They started to discuss something I’ve written about before (scattered in various Notes & articles). People are terribly afraid to question narratives today. They fear questions more than they love the truth.An Impossible Desire to Control Thoughts
I recently shared a Note about a video discussion that
was in which he said, “No thought should be against the law.” I agree wholeheartedly. We should not be attempting to control thoughts through the law. It’s impossible to control someone else’s thoughts anyway. The one true freedom we have that no one can ever take away is our ability to think without other people being able to control that. People can allow themselves to be susceptible to mind control, especially when they allow their emotions to control them. But if someone can regulate their emotions then they can remain logical and not be swayed by emotional pleas.Emotional Pleas
What are those emotional pleas? One of them, which is the topic Bret touches on, is, “Don’t question World War II’s myth.” That’s a command given by someone taking on the “Savior” role in the Drama Triangle. A person like that is afraid that if you question the narrative (or myth as Bret calls it), then you will cause damage to some perceived “victims.”
Bret here is just talking about the fact that Tucker Carlson had interviewed Darryl Cooper and was painting a narrative about Winston Churchill that was the opposite of what the mainstream narrative was. The Carlson-Cooper interview was pretty interesting as well and worth a watch. But, of course, I’m happy to question narratives since I love the truth above all else. Not everyone is.
Noble Lies
Before I get into the myth section, I want to write shortly on Noble Lies. Though the bible is against lying, it is seemingly for lying when it’s saving the lives of children. The midwives around the time of Moses being born lied to save the babies’ lives (Exodus 1) and were blessed because they “feared God” by lying. We know “Noble lies” exist. But many people overuse the term when they’re not acting nobly.
People who want to play “Savior” will claim they’re doing things to protect supposed “Victims.” Many people lied about the safety of vaccines and the importance of masks. Some people lied because they believed lies. But for those who started the lies in the first place, knowing full well they were lies, they made the decision to sweep their dark acts under the rug. They may think they saved more lives than hurt, but often it’s the other way around. I will write further about how it hurts people, but Bret also points that out in the video clip.
The Man, The Myth…
There are people who are looking to make men into mythological figures. Some playing “victim” tried to make Dr. Fauci into a mythological “savior” of mankind.
The problem with turning people into myths (“saviors”) via propaganda is that those who believe the myth cannot hear criticism. If you think someone is “all good” (like any “Savior” would be seen as in the Drama Triangle) then you cannot hear anything bad about them. You will not listen to questions and may even want to censor people who do question the propaganda.
This is just the opposite of when you label someone as “all bad,” then you can’t hear anything humanizing about them. That’s, of course, what they did to Donald Trump and Hitler. If you say anything about a redeeming quality of any of these “evil” figures, then people (who believe the propaganda/myth) will equate you with that same “evil” and they will mentally sort you into the “persecutor” role as well.
People Fear Questions
In the case of the idolization of Fauci during the supposed COVID pandemic, people didn’t want to hear anything bad about him because if he was not “perfect” then he could have made a mistake and that mistake could have harmed them. People don’t want to think that they’ve made a mistake in trusting someone else with their health. That’s scary. That goes back to what I said about letting emotions rule your thoughts. When you’re afraid to think you made a mistake, you mentally blind yourself to things.
People are afraid of anti-semitism, of Jew hatred, and they think that if you question the World War II narrative, then innocent people will get hurt. They let their fear trump a desire for truth. That’s a lack of faith in people. They think people are evil and if those evil people hear something that humanizes Hitler (in a positive way) or Churchill (in a negative way) then it will cause them to take action and hurt others. That may very well be projection on their part. If they are so susceptible to hating people based on what the media says then they think everyone else is too. But I’m not sure that’s their sole reason for wanting censorship…
Censorship Makes You Stupid
Censorship keeps people from having all of the necessary information needed to make an informed decision.
With repressive tolerance, when you censor one side and only allow the other side to be heard, you enter into an echo chamber as a society. Echo chambers are bad because fake news gets amplified and you can’t hear some actual truths. There is less “controversy” which basically means no one is criticizing what’s being said, which means people will be led further and further into all-out lies.
The only way to get to the truth is to question things. This is what police investigators do. They question everything until they can come up with an explanation that fits. It may sound like a “conspiracy theory” until they find the facts, but that is just how normal investigations work. It’s theory until it’s proven. And if you don’t investigate things, then you can’t say you’ve debunked them yet.
Of course, that’s not how the Democrats are operating, and I would suggest it’s because of their echo chamber that they have lost track of what an investigation is or how to even debunk anything.
Censorship leads to damage because we can’t make strong arguments and we make worse decisions.
If you want to build a bridge but censor anyone who says something in the plan is faulty, then the bridge will not be built to last. Who wants to drive across a bridge built by censors? Who wants to fly in a plane built by censors? In a way, people do fly in planes “built by censors” today because pilots were pressured to take a vaccine that may cause blood clots. Our plane-flying experiences are now weakened because of censorship.
The only way to get the best product (or to get to the truth/reality of a thing) is to allow people to critique it. All of the critiques, if true, should be dealt with and fixed. All of the critiques, if false, will be ignored because the truth will stand through the tests of questions.
But anyone who censors critics, fears them because they don’t have faith that they, themselves, are correct. They might find out that they’re a fraud. As I mentioned, this is why those who identify as transgender, don’t like it when someone uses a different pronoun to refer to them than their preferred pronouns. If they truly believed in who they say they are, they wouldn’t care if people misgendered them.
The most important thing to remember from this is that anyone who is against questioning something is proving to you that they have no faith in their own beliefs.
That alone should lead you to question things.
Questioning Allows Truth To Rise Like Cream
People claim that we need to censor wrong-thinkers from questioning the narrative so that the “Truth” can be more widely spread. First, if you don’t allow questions the human instinct is to think you’re hiding something as I wrote earlier. Even if something is censored it doesn’t stop people from believing it. This can actually push people into other echo chambers and have a gut reaction of disbelief (even if the thing is true). So censorship helps wrong information spread quickly.
If everyone were allowed to question a topic online freely, then people might come out of the woodwork and say what they believe. There would be discussion and pushback from all sorts of different positions. Eventually, people would be exposed to many crazy ideas and also many sensible ideas and loads of information. They may switch their beliefs (which is what censors are afraid of), but they would be heavily informed decisions. Censors have no faith that heavily informed people would believe them because they don’t believe it themselves.
If you believed you had the true argument, you would say what you believed, back it up, and let people choose. You would know you had truth and facts on your side. The truth, like cream, would rise to the top of our human understanding when all of the information was given freely and allowed to settle in our minds.
Those who would say that even if given all of the correct information people would make bad decisions are like the people who claim vaccine-hesitant people understand the studies and choose the “wrong” decision.
“I think we need to avoid the trap of thinking that information or knowledge is enough, because for a lot of the people, and when you look at hesitancy and parental vaccine hesitancy in the US, the group who is most likely to purposefully choose to not vaccinate are highly educated. In speaking with them, these are people who have read the primary literature themselves, and they’re correctly interpreting it, so it’s not a misunderstanding. They have other concerns that go beyond the traditional public health message of, ‘This is what you should be doing.’”
— Emily Brunson, MPH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology at Texas State University - You can download the guide on the archive of their website.
Propaganda is not about convincing people through data, it’s about getting people to do what they want them to do. They think they need to manipulate people’s minds to get them to take actions that work for them. Why can’t they live in a world where people think differently than they do? Why not take the work to fix their own problem with diversity of thought? Why not take personal responsibility for their own health rather than try to force other people to get vaccinated? It’s all about laziness and responsibility shifting.
Although people who want to censor questions about World War II will claim they fear others will hurt people if the wrong information gets distributed, what they really fear is people having different opinions. There are already laws on the books against hurting people. They simply fear diversity of thought. They may be lying to themselves as well as to you when they claim they’re doing it to “help” others.
They claim censorship is beneficial, but in reality, it’s harmful. Censorship creates echo chambers and that, in a sense, is like shaking jars of milk over and over again leading us to have bits of truth mixed with lies. They fear the truth rising to the top, because they know, deep down, that what they’re protecting wouldn’t withstand questions because it’s not the whole truth.
To end this, here’s an NFT poem & art piece I created.
Truth is bold as a lion—steady and firm. Liars fear questions, get angry, and squirm. If someone you know is against all questioning, They may be a liar in fear of a reckoning. It's okay if they choose to cower, afraid. Everyone has to lie in the bed that they've made. Those who love truth, love questions as well, To be incorrect (and not know) might be living hell. But if you love truth, there's nothing to fear, Boldly question beliefs 'til your mind becomes clear.
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While I can understand the danger that comes with putting people on a pedestal, I have to ask what questions about world war II are being censored and what benefits do you think will come of those questions and truths rising to the surface? What about the information surrounding vaccines that many people in the medical community have debunked that people are using to make their decisions? Does this information qualify as propaganda as their agenda is to also influence people to feel a certain way about a specific type of medical technology?