The Minority That Democrats Hate
If the Democrat party desires to help minorities, why do they hate the vaccine-injured?
Democrats are constantly trying to play “savior” to so-called minorities. If they think you’re in the minority in a country according to your skin color, or a minority in a school according to your sexual preferences, etc., they will fight the “persecutors” for you as a Social Justice Warrior (SJW). They will try to move heaven and earth for you.
The Hated Minority
But there’s one minority they hate with a passion, those who cause vaccine hesitancy by talking about their vaccine side effects. An0maly’s podcast about the New York Times May 3rd article, “Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them” inspired this article of mine.
We also have an article from Fox saying AstraZeneca’s vaccine “can cause rare side effects such as blood clots and low blood platelet counts.” That made news because it was in court documents and all of a sudden it was okay to talk about side effects.
Side Note: Why is the mainstream media talking about side effects now? Will they eventually blame Donald Trump for the COVID vaccine side effects? It’s interesting to see mainstream media talking about the side effects, but I don’t think Big Pharma will ever want this to be talked about heavily which is what would happen by blaming Trump. And, Big Pharma, has a lot of control over what shows up in the mainstream media. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts about this question.
If, in 2021, you were trying to not take the vaccine out of fear of side effects or if you tried to warn people about side effects, you would be seen as a “persecutor” by many. Why would trying to help people to not be hurt by side effects make you “evil?” As I discussed in the past, mask zealots mentally turned many people who were actually coming in love into “persecutors” because of their own fear and lack of personal responsibility.
The vaccine zealots had a strong desire for everyone to get vaccinated so they could stop fearing COVID. They feel the same about other diseases, but COVID is the worst. Because of the propaganda and somehow viewing COVID-19 as anomalous people didn’t believe their immune systems (victims) could handle COVID (persecutor) without the help of a (savior) vaccine.
Telling someone that they could exercise, fast, lose weight, take vitamins and minerals (and various other tactics) to take personal responsibility and “save” themselves brought mockery. There was only one savior for them. They felt as if nothing else would do. And they needed you to do it too.
Eventually, most people started to feel as if they were safe, so most (I think) don’t ask if you’re vaccinated any longer. Perhaps this is because they assume everyone is by now. If you knew jobs and schools were requiring vaccination, you might assume everyone else got it already too. We often project our own beliefs onto others as well (ex. if I was scared and got the vaccine, so was everyone I talk to so they must have gotten it as well).
Bringing Up Side Effects
If you brought up your side effects people outright gaslit you, telling you that it wasn’t because of the vaccine. Social Media websites outright censored those stories either by shadow-banning accounts (so people couldn’t easily find them or their posts), deleting groups, or canceling/banning accounts (so the accounts no longer existed).
Every prescription medication commercial on TV comes with a long list of side effects. Them trying to say that COVID vaccines would have no adverse reactions is just as ridiculous as MSM trying to say there was no fraud in the 2020 US Election. Absolutely none, huh?
Rare Means Some
Rare side effects mean these effects happen rarely. But when you attempt to vaccinate everyone on the planet, obviously a (relatively) large amount of people will get those rare side effects because the rare percentage stays the same. When you increase the sample size, the sample of people with rare side effects increases in the same proportion as well.
Apathetic Hatred of a Minority
So those with side effects could be a minority (that rare percentage) of people, but they exist. And when they talk, they get gaslit and could be re-traumatized. They realize that much of the population doesn’t care about them (most are flat-out apathetic to their pain).
But, beyond the indifference to their pain, those with vaccine injuries have found out that they’re hated as well. Vaccine zealots wish the injured didn’t exist. Here are a few reasons the zealots may hate that injuries occur at all:
Trust in Vaccination Programs: Side effects may erode public trust in vaccination programs. If people perceive that vaccines are causing harm, they may become hesitant to vaccinate themselves or their children, which could lead to decreased vaccine coverage. In other words, they think they will be more vulnerable which scares them.
Individual Health Concerns: If they see other people with the same vaccine discussing their side effects, there may be something inside of them that fears the same will happen to them. But they can’t emotionally deal with the idea that they may have made a mistake, so they reflect that self-hatred outward onto others.
Perceived Victims: They view the immuno-compromised as “victims” who need everyone else to get vaccinated to “save” them (and those who are more susceptible to diseases). So they will see the vaccine injured as a “persecutor” who is hurting these “victims” by sharing stories that cause vaccine hesitancy.
Because of this drama triangle view, they will not care that you were hurt and they will outright despise you for causing trouble for everyone else. They couldn’t care less about your suffering from health issues. They will not see you as a “victim” of Big Pharma, your employer, or Joe Biden. They will not see those people as evil “persecutors” for attempting to mandate the experimental, potentially dangerous vaccines. Because of their fear (which leads to hatred), they couldn’t care less about your actual troubles as a minority.
Are the vaccine-injured a minority?
At least some people will admit that there is a minority of people out there with vaccine injuries. But is it really a minority? I think we don’t know the full extent of injuries out there from all of the various vaccines.
Because mainstream media doesn’t talk about it (because Big Pharma pays for ads they won’t run negative stories), it could be that this is a much larger issue than we even know. Perhaps everyone who’s ever had a vaccine was injured in some way (from very minor to large issues). Many doctors just don’t even want to hear that an injury occurred so they certainly won’t be looking for any.
One thing that was brought up during 2020 was SIDS went down. Many (on my feed) suggested that because fewer babies were going to their “wellness” checks they didn’t get vaccinated as much and SIDS went down. I don’t have the data on that, you can look into it.
added this link on SIDS in the comments below. You can read the article for yourself by clicking on the blurb below.But, you see Doctors have motivated reasoning for not looking into it. If you tell everyone you see to get a vaccine and then find out they’re all harmed or you may have killed someone, that would hurt too much mentally and emotionally. So they just won’t look at the evidence logically.
I don’t know if the vaccine injured are literally a minority of the population. I simply wrote this article because according to what our doctors and literature say, there is a rare percentage (minority) of people who will have adverse reactions and I find it interesting that the Democrats simply don’t care about that minority at all.
It’s not really that Democrats are trying to help every minority out there. They have their own biases for who they will help and who they hate (thus don’t give a crap for). This just shows their hypocrisy. I’d love to see them out championing the injured and going after Big Pharma and the government for trying to mandate against our bodily autonomy. But I just don’t think I’ll ever see that happen.
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The Left and the media opening up this Pandora's Box over the next few months, with a view to hanging this millstone around Trump's neck in hopes of derailing his chance at re-election, will quickly find out it's a double-edged sword.
By now everyone knows someone who was injured.
If responses on Xitter are indicative of public sentiment, with 90% being negative, quite likely the only thing they'll hurt is trust in Big Pharma rat juice.
The backlash is already apparent.
Wait till they open the floodgates.
They hate us because we were right.