Jun 4, 2023Liked by Barbara Wegner

this is it

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Barbara Wegner

Help me to remember that I am the window, and not the light.

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I'm going to share one articulation of something of a counter-argument offered by Sam Husseini in the context of Musk's "you don't have a freedom of reach" argument. Husseini also has a Substack:

"This runs completely contrary to a remarkably beautiful articulation of freedom of speech set forth by Lew Hill, a founder of Pacifica radio.

Some 20 years ago, I was closely involved in the struggle around Pacifica radio. Someone in the midst of that fight gave me a CD of an old broadcast of Lew Hill on KPFA, the original listener-sponsored radio station.

Hill said something I’d never heard before. He said there’s one thing more important than freedom of speech. That’s the freedom to hear." https://husseini.substack.com/p/elon-musks-establishment-retrench

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If you're interested, I wrote about Elon Musk and his "you don't have freedom of reach" tweet - https://dramaofitall.substack.com/p/elon-musk-the-savior-of-twitter

We can always figure out ways in which to say what we want to others (who want to listen) and there is a God-given ability to reach far and wide that I don't think can be stopped, no matter what they try to do. However, the platform or way we go about it will not always be the same.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.

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It is interesting to contrast ideas about a "right to be heard" and "a right to hear". In what ways are they similar or dissimilar?

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I have noticed that some of the loudest voices for punishing "hate speech" also complain that they are being "censored" when they get blocked or muted. Not only do they object to the "just block the idiots" approach to bigots, trolls and morons. They object when people refuse to read their words of wisdom. Just more evidence that much of this call for moderation is really a desire for Power Over Others.

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