I love the truth. I believe God is truth. I want the truth. I prayed to not be deceived, because the bible says even the elect could be. Not knowing the truth can harm you. I even wrote a poem about that.
Truth is bold as a lion—steady and firm. Liars fear questions, get angry, and squirm. If someone you know is against all questioning, They may be a liar in fear of a reckoning. It's okay if they choose to cower, afraid. Everyone has to lie in the bed that they've made. Those who love truth, love questions as well, To be incorrect (and not know) might be living hell. But if you love truth, there's nothing to fear, Boldly question beliefs 'til your mind becomes clear.
If you build your worldview on faulty beliefs you will be like a house built upon sand when the rains come and wash the house away. You need a solid foundation of truth to withstand the rains of life, of reality. People who believe they are transgender and want others to “affirm” that, are like a house built on sand. When reality comes crashing in they can have a mental break.
Believing that vaccines are good for you comes with consequences. It’s autumn now and the time of year when people go in for their COVID booster and Flu vaccines. I’ve heard and seen the consequences. I’ve seen someone have to lie down at work because of the side effects of the “vaccine.” I’ve heard that people plan to get their shots when they have time to recover from the side effects. They plan around it because reality hit them in the past and they acknowledge that they have health issues after getting vaccinated.
I’m what would be called an anti-vaxxer. I was never big on getting shots for vaccines. I had shots as a child when I had no say in the matter. But since researching them (after I prayed not to be deceived) I decided they were not for me and that I might have slight vaccine damage. In fact, I think many people probably have slight vaccine damage and we just think of it as normal only because most people are vaccinated. I shared plenty of anti-vaccine posts when I was still posting on Facebook. I still have plenty of anti-mask and anti-vaccine memes on my computer.
I was also against the lockdowns from the very beginning and thanked God that I lived in South Dakota where that didn’t happen!
So I’m Pro-Gates?
So imagine my surprise to wake up to people on Notes suggesting I don’t know vaccines cause harm and that I’m somehow pro-Bill-Gates! It all started when I watched this clip on Substack Notes.
The video has the following text at the top, “I FINALLY FOUND THE VIDEO OF BILL GATES ADMITTING IT. This clip has been utterly scrubbed from the internet, even the original TED Talk. Save it.” The clip is from a Ted Talk in 2010 (the full video is still available on YouTube and their website).
The clip has Bill Gates saying, “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” In the same video, another man comes on to comment about the video saying, “Common sense would tell you that if you have a man standing in front of you saying he's going to reduce the world's population by 10 or 15% using vaccines - what does that mean to you? That means somebody's going to die because you put a vaccine in them. It doesn't mean you're going to save people. That's pretty much common sense in my brain. But, yet, I saw him - I saw him say it. He said it. And, here we are."
Overpopulation is a Myth
Apparently, I have to let people know that I am against population control as well. Overpopulation is a myth and there are plenty of resources for you out there to study that if you think the world is overpopulated or that it is a concern for us. Bill Gates says he is concerned about having too much population in that Ted Talk and I believe he is concerned about overpopulation.
In the TedTalk Bill Gates is concerned about CO2 and how to get that to zero. He is happy to reduce how many babies will be born (how the population of the future will go down) because they increase CO2. I believe it’s a concern based on lies, which again is why a love of truth is so important. If you base your decisions on lies you make stupid decisions.
Two Lies in One Video
So, silly me, I thought that it had been scrubbed, since that’s what the video claimed, and then I shared the Note with a repost saying, “The context shows he wasn't talking about killing people with vaccines. I watched it before the scrubbing. This is another reason why censorship is stupid. This will be shared and no one can refute it because the real video was censored. Idiotic move by YouTube. Smooth move Exlax as they used to say…”
The video has a couple of lies, one of which did not affect me because I watched the original video when I first prayed to not be deceived and went down some rabbit holes as a “Truther.” The second lie was that the video had been scrubbed. And I thought that one could be true because there is so much censorship, especially with YouTube. I’ve had videos removed from YouTube plenty of times. YouTube has cried wolf too many times to be thought of as “Truthworthy.” They bet and lost all their trust chips a long while back.
Because of my dislike for YouTube, at first, I was willing to believe the lie about it being scrubbed. However, because I love truth more than lies, I did more research and I’m sharing that it was a lie and I’ve edited my Note to reflect that.
Now that I’ve watched the fuller video and checked out the transcript, I don’t think that this is the particular video that I watched when I first did my research. I remember Bill Gates explaining that families have many children in poorer countries because some of the children die (the mortality rate is high), and they try to beat the odds. I tried to find that video and I couldn’t. This could be because search engines have become less useful (they have exponentially lowered usefulness in the past 10-15 years). However, I did find an article that shares this information.
“Bill’s dad had set up a dinner at Seattle’s posh Columbia Tower Club with the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). While the meeting started with birth control—among other efforts, PATH taught Chinese condom makers to test their products before shipping them—Gates began consuming data that startled him.
In society after society, he saw, when the mortality rate falls—specifically, below 10 deaths per 1,000 people—the birth rate follows, and population growth stabilizes. “It goes against common sense,” Gates says. Most parents don’t choose to have eight children because they want to have big families, it turns out, but because they know many of their children will die.
“If a mother and father know their child is going to live to adulthood, they start to naturally reduce their population size,” says Melinda.”
So, Bill Gates thinks that if you can keep infants and children alive (with vaccines), then parents will have fewer children and you’ll have lower population growth, which reduces the future population numbers.
I am pretty sure I saw that in a video, with charts as he was speaking, which is why I confused it with the one shown. I don’t remember reading it in an article. If you know where the video is then please let me know in the comments.
Who Would Admit They’re a Murderer in a Talk
I know Bill Gates thinks he’s smarter than he is, and has a savior complex. He is the epitome of the monkey “saving” a fish from drowning in water.
But, do you honestly think that if he was trying to kill people with vaccines he would just tell a group of people (in a video still available on the internet) that he was doing that? I’m assuming my regular subscribers won’t be that gullible. But apparently, people actually think this.
While researching truther topics I’ve heard it said that “they” have to tell you before they do something so they’re not bound by karma. I don’t believe that. They’re going to face consequences regardless. I don’t think “they” actually believe that. But even if they do, people like that are not going to admit to killing people outright as they claim that Gates is doing in that video.
If they had this video (which they have for many years and it’s still on the internet) of Bill Gates admitting to killing people with vaccines, why would anyone take the vaccines and why isn’t he in jail? The idea that he actually said he was killing people with vaccines rather than suggesting that the projected population would go down when people were vaccinated is absurd. Note the “projected” population distinction.
When people say that he is talking about lowering our population through killing, they make it seem like he’s talking about the current population. He is referring to lowering the future projection.
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
Also, note the other ways that the population will be lowered. He refers to getting people healthier (which goes along with his thoughts in that article quote). He also refers to “reproductive health services,” which likely means abortion. Yes, if you advance abortion you will definitely lower the projected population. That is killing people, for sure! But that’s not what people focus on when they share this video. They don’t take it to mean that he wants to kill babies to lower the population, they say he’s talking about vaccines. Why make that jump?
Why do they believe it’s all about the vaccines? Because of hate. Our hate can lead us to be illogical. Negative emotions override the logical thinking parts of our brains. It’s why I jumped to the conclusion that the video was banned - hatred of YouTube’s censorship.
Willingness to Ignorantly Label Quickly
The reason I decided to write about this was because of people’s willingness to quickly label me as pro-vaccines or pro-Gates with absolutely no evidence.
People with hate in their hearts want to strike out at others verbally (because they feel powerless otherwise). Truthers who play Drama Triangle games feel like “Victims” and see others as “Persecutors.” They like to take on the role of “Savior” as well. People share this misleading video because they want to feel like they’re “doing something” to strike back at people like Gates. They want him to feel pain for the pain he’s caused others.
There’s a bit of the savior mentality in them as well, wanting to save people (even if it is by sharing lies or misleading videos). Isn’t that just what they claim Gates is doing? Hmm.
Drama-less Truthers don’t need to share misleading or false things to prove a point. That comes from them not sharing information out of a place of hatred. They dislike lies. They don’t share the information about deception and evil out of hate, they share it out of love.
Because the Drama-Triangle Truthers engage in splitting, seeing people as all good (allies/victims) or all evil (persecutors), they had to label me as a “persecutor” because, in their minds, no ally would debunk this. If I wasn’t an ally and not signaling that I was a vaccine-injured person (victim), then I had to be a “persecutor.”
People like to be able to categorize others as threats or allies in order to feel safe and comfortable. Just because we’re online, doesn’t mean that sort of categorization stops, especially if they believe words are violence.
Bad Interactions Flavor Future Predictions
These sorts of people likely had enough interactions in their past to think, “If someone says this video is false, then they usually turn out to be an enemy (they are mean to me),” so they make this assumption with everyone else that they interact with on the internet. Sometimes they’re wrong. They may be wrong most of the time. That can happen with splitting. People also interact with zealots online and may assume more people feel that way than really do. They may also be projecting their splitting behavior onto others.
Projecting Bad Habits?
I was told sharing the misleading video is not a big deal because the ends justify the means as well, which is plain wrong. Lying just makes people not trust you. That’s not the first time I’ve heard that line from supposed truthers either.
The problem with sharing a misleading video like this is that the only people who will see this video and get mad are already willing to hate Gates. And when they find out that it is an incredibly misleading video they will stop hating Gates and start hating “Truthers.” They may then tell others to hate and disbelieve “truthers.” Lies and manipulation (like whoever created this video was a part of) are like poison.
It was people filled with hate and a propensity to lie who were upset at my explaining that the video was misleading. I know plenty of so-called “Truthers” out there who are willing to lie and mislead others to try to get their points across. It’s not just this. This is not even the straw that broke the camel’s back. That was the “fake Simpsons’ predictions that were not predictions” posts on Facebook. I’ve been denigrating the propensity to lie by truthers for years.
And, trust me, I know there are good ones out there. It makes these people stand out all the more. No Truther movement can survive without people calling out liars. The lies are like yeast taking over the whole loaf. You have to root that stuff out.
People need to love truth more than their hate.
But these people have hate and don’t mind using lies to get their point across. The emotional charge of hatred for Gates may very well be because they’re projecting their own bad habits onto him.
And that doesn’t mean I think Bill Gates is good or even neutral. He has not been a net benefit for the world, IMHO. God, the things I’ve posted about Gates in the past. These people do not know me at all to suggest I’m pro-Gates. You may not know me either. But I was a truther posting about Agenda 21 and vaccines well before 2020. It’s why I was never afraid of COVID and thought we should have COVID parties and never should have locked down. I’m not one of these late-to-the-party people on vaccines.
I don’t care what all the haters say. Why would the opinion of lovers of lies matter?
But I wanted to write about that splitting and how it causes people who agree to fight with imaginary enemies. I’m not pro-Gates and I’m not pro-vaccines. These people just made up things and fought with those imaginary enemies for no good reason.
A lot of people on the internet argue with those who agree with them, and it’s amazing. That sounds ridiculous, right? It’s not just this, sometimes people disagree about the meaning of a word but they agree in the most basic understanding. They think they disagree with each other because no one defined the word publically. People could be getting along with each other much more commonly, but they don’t. Their hatred gets in the way. People don’t ask questions, such as “What do you mean by that?” We don’t give people the benefit of the doubt any longer (in general).
There is so much division that doesn’t have to happen. It’s mindblowing when you think about it. This happens every day, multiple times a day. It doesn’t get pointed out. People just fight with others who they agree with regularly. I’ll have none of that.
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