The Drama of It All
The Drama of It All Podcast
The Woke Religion Doesn't Worship
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The Woke Religion Doesn't Worship

The Woke Religion is One of Hate That Comes From Fear

I’m starting to read a book1 proposing that the Book of Acts was written primarily to defend Paul for his forthcoming trial in Rome. Acts2 was supposedly a legal brief, and thus, it’s not really meant for Christians to see as canon (unless you see it as a legal brief). So, in order to make his point, John Mauck starts writing about the Roman Empire and the emperors around the time that the Book of Acts is covering. And he writes about how many, such as Gaius (AKA Caligula) thought they were gods3 and demanded worship.

The book of Philippians 2 compares and contrasts Jesus with Caligula. According to Josephus, Caligula “went beyond the bounds of human nature in his conceit of himself, and by reason of the vastness of his dominions made himself a god, and took upon himself to act in all things to the reproach of the Deity itself.The writer of Philippians says to the early Christians, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:5-8).

You might wonder why I’m writing this on The Drama of It All and not my Christian Substack. As I was reading part of the book about people worshiping their leader, I was reminded of all those people who believe that there are Trump Worshippers. This is something that Democrats like to say. They suggest that everyone who voted for Trump was somehow tricked and lied to enough that they joined a Trump cult and will worship everything he does without questions.

I know some people (who spent a lot of time online) really believed in the Q drops and did think some outrageous things like Trump was still working for the US in the background after Biden became the president. But the Democrats (who say every Trump voter is in a cult) think that it’s everyone. There’s no middle ground for those folks. They cannot believe that most Trump voters don’t worship him and they can’t believe that someone would vote for him even if they may not even like him personally.

NOTE: I’m using the term “Trump voter” rather than “Trump supporter” because I’m not sure there is even a common definition of what a “Trump supporter” is, and whether or not you voted for Trump is an objective reality we can all agree on.

Why They Think All Trump Voters Are in a Cult

And, you know what? I understand that. They believe a lot of lies about Trump because of their hatred. The corporate media has been spewing lies about Trump for about 8 years now and none of that would have mattered if these people didn’t idolize the media and have hate in their hearts.

When you see a person or organization as “above you” or as an “expert” in some field where you may be ignorant, you can begin to give up your responsibility to trace down the sources, to figure out if they’re honest, especially if you are lazy or overworked. You start taking what they say as gospel. You cannot believe that they would lie to you.

Many democrats, due to pride, thought they were the “good guys” (“Savior” types) and they thought Republicans were the “bad guys” (“Persecutor” types), so they couldn’t see a way in which Republicans were right, on anything. They will dehumanize and put down Republicans to the point that they wouldn’t be caught dead agreeing with one on anything. This leads the more manic ones to want to do the opposite of what Republicans are doing even when it’s crazy and harmful.

Their hatred of, and looking down upon Republicans, and their trust that the media is telling them the truth, lead them into a situation where they cannot understand how anyone in their right (sane) mind would vote for Trump. It’s splitting (black-or-white thinking). In their minds, if someone voted for Trump it means that they agree with everything the media claims about Trump, so obviously that Trump voter is a fanatic.

This is Projection

Not all Democrats are like that and some feel politically homeless right now. But for those who do believe all the lies of the media about Trump and cannot understand how anyone could vote for Trump it’s because they’re projecting their own idolatry onto Trump voters.

They take what the corporate media says as gospel. They may disagree with other people on small issues so long as the other also takes what the corporate media says as gospel. And, there do exist some Blue Anon folks who have found internet echo chambers that may even question the media when it doesn’t hate Trump enough.

This situation is odd in that they don’t worship any particular person as their god. But they do have a devil and his name is Donald Trump. He’s their scapegoat for all their own repressed sins. Now some climate activists, we could argue, make tithes and sacrifices for Mother Earth. But, again, that’s not a specific person.

They don’t worship, as the word “worship” demands some love and reverence be made to someone. The old Roman Emperors probably would have demanded sacrifices to get the impression that they were loved by the people. This is not that. This is a religion of hate. And that hate comes from fear.

Fear is a Lack of Faith

There are so many things that could possibly happen in this world that humans have had fears forever. Even the story of Adam and Eve eating a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge could be portrayed as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). If you have faith that everything is working out for you, even when something you consider “bad” happens, then you don’t have to fear those unknowns.

But, as I’ve written about before, the “woke,” communist ideas, etc. cannot work because they are born from fear. They do not believe that the world will be fair unless they force other people to do things (against their will). Democrats, communists, the woke, etc. all believe that if left to their own devices people would not give of themselves and “save” people whom they see as “victims.” And, it’s true. That’s why they require force through the governments to get some movement on their social justice desires.

Although Democrats like this have a limiting belief that it’s because Republicans are inherently evil, people who can see outside of that Drama Triangle paradigm know that there are other reasons. It’s because they disagree that the people are actually “victims” or that just giving in like giving them money would solve anything.

What that comes down to is that people (such as Trump voters) do not see the world through the same lens as Democrats. But because these sorts of Democrats are so caught up in the Drama Triangle mindset, they cannot see in terms of grey, only black or white. They think you’re either with us or you’re a “persecutor.”

And there is no faith that Trump Voters would “do the right (moral) thing.” There seems to be no faith that a God would do that either.

From Pew Research:

Party identification among atheists, agnostics and ‘nothing in particular’

Atheists and agnostics, who make up relatively small shares of all religiously unaffiliated voters, are heavily Democratic.

Among those who identify their religion as “nothing in particular” – and who comprise a majority of all religious “nones” – Democrats hold a smaller advantage in party identification.

More than eight-in-ten atheists (84%) align with the Democratic Party, as do 78% of agnostics.

62% of voters who describe themselves as “nothing in particular” identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while 34% align with the GOP.

Atheists and agnostics are more rare, but there’s a clear preference in that group to the Democratic party. And even if you believe in a God, you may not have faith that that God will work things out the way you want them to work out. Because many Democrats do not have faith in a God working through people to help those whom they view as “victims” they look to the government to be the “Savior” or “Rescuer.”

And, because there is not one single person that they look to as a “savior” perhaps this makes it so they don’t feel as if they are in a state religion. By combining many people together into a government through elections, it may feel as if it’s not them who is the “savior” figure and it’s not a single person, so it’s not a religion.

They feel the need to sacrifice for their cause and uplift or support their government. You could say they feel the need to “save their democracy,” but we all know they don’t mean what we mean when they use the term. If they did, they wouldn’t be complaining that the majority of voters electing Trump was a danger to our Democracy. 

Ultimately, it can come down to their feeling of needing to “save” themselves because there isn’t a God that will do it for them. But since they reject the idea of personal responsibility (for themselves and others), they see things solely through the Drama Triangle paradigm, and that makes everyone involved feel powerless.

When you feel powerless you are in a fear state. And your brain cannot think of new ways to view the situation you are in. You start thinking one-dimensionally, rather than from multiple perspectives or a higher-dimensional perspective.

This means they will always lose. It’s only those who can relax and come up with solutions who will win in the long run. And, it’s people who have faith (in God or themselves) who will be able to be confident, trust that things can work out, take personal responsibility, and do what needs to be done to succeed.

Yes, I think the “Woke” phenomenon is a religious cult, but it’s an oddball one with no one to worship, no love, only fear and that will be its downfall. They obviously project their own insecurities and “sins” or “demons” onto other people in order to not face them. I think that to face them would be like “death” to their egos.

They thoroughly enjoy being looked at like the “good guy” saviors and that makes it impossible to view their own faults. And if you don’t want to hear anything else about Christianity, you can be done now.

They are just like the Pharisees.

Matthew 23:23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You pay tithes of mint, dill, and cumin. But you have disregarded the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

25 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside may become clean as well.

27 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of impurity. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Social Justice Warriors continue to speak on justice and mercy, but they forget to start with cleaning themselves up before wanting to change the world. But, all Jesus said was woe to them and that they’ll be sent prophet and after prophet, whom they will kill because they don’t like the message. And in the end, their house will be desolate/abandoned (Matthew 23:38).

They can’t win the way they’re going. How could they? The fear keeps them blind to reality. Of course, they’ll end up in ditches.

Only the humble will learn from their mistakes and re-group.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

I certainly don’t trust Donald Trump to do things flawlessly, but at the very least, I think his near-death experience with the attempted assassination humbled him.

What do you think?

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If you enjoyed this article, you may enjoy this one as well:

The book is titled Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity by John W. Mauck. That’s a referral link if you want to purchase it and help the Substack out.

Isn’t it weird that the book of Acts (of the Apostles) focuses almost solely on Paul? You can learn more about the book The Nazarene Acts (that focuses on Apostle Peter) here.

There is some good discussion on this page about what the emperor claiming to be a god means, as we don’t have the same understanding today. Today we think of “god” as something entirely not human, more like a spiritual being. That wasn’t their mindset back then. You could also read my article, “Christ said, ‘Ye are Gods’.” What Did He Mean?”


The book is titled Paul on Trial: The Book of Acts as a Defense of Christianity by John W. Mauck. That’s a referral link if you want to purchase it and help the Substack out.


Isn’t it weird that the book of Acts (of the Apostles) focuses almost solely on Paul? You can learn more about the book The Nazarene Acts (that focuses on Apostle Peter) here.


There is some good discussion on this page about what the emperor claiming to be a god means, as we don’t have the same understanding today. Today we think of “god” as something entirely not human, more like a spiritual being. That wasn’t their mindset back then. You could also read my article, “Christ said, ‘Ye are Gods’.” What Did He Mean?”

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The Drama of It All
The Drama of It All Podcast
This substack is devoted to sharing my perspective of the "woke" drama triangle games people play today. Everyone's playing these games, you may as well understand them so that you can extricate yourself from the drama. Knowledge is power.