By now you are probably tired of all of the articles about whether or not the “Right” should get people fired and otherwise engage in “Cancel Culture” activities. I have been wanting to write this for days but due to my full-time job and how long it has taken to put together my thoughts, it’s coming out much later than I wanted.
This won’t be an article attempting to get more views because a topic is “hot” these days. This topic is very much tied into the Drama Triangle and it’s a unique opportunity to share with my readers about the “persecutor” role in the Drama Triangle in a way that may get very personal. You may get emotional reading this and be upset. Those emotions are telling you something and it’s worth being mindful about them. Or, you may know someone else who is feeling this way and I hope that this article will help you to understand their reaction.
To start this difficult article off I want to share a bit about my perspective so you can better understand where I’m coming from.
Clarifying My Thoughts
First, I have thought about this for the past couple of days, watched, and read other people’s thoughts on this topic in an attempt to gather information from plenty of different perspectives. I have just been listening and taking it all in. And there is a lot to take in here.
My purpose in writing is to better clarify my thoughts. I am writing more for myself than anyone else. I do think it is a nuanced topic and I may change my mind on things slightly as I write, or after it’s written and shared. I am happy to hear people’s thoughts in the comments and to discuss them. I am also happy to consider new things I have forgotten or missed. The comments will be open to all unless you are not looking for a serious discussion and just want to spill hate.
Law of Attraction
Secondly, I believe in the law of attraction, so that means I believe everyone who faced backlash attracted those specific responses in some way, shape, or form. They may have feared facing consequences. In fact, people who fear facing consequences and feel guilty are far more likely to attract being caught than someone who doesn’t fear getting caught. But, maybe it wasn’t fear, they may have had so much wrath that they attracted that wrath back to themselves like a mirror. I don’t know which one it is and it’s different for every individual case.
Because of this, I do think that everyone who faced consequences for their actions did so because they were not taking personal responsibility to deal with their mindset and extreme emotions. Since I believe they are responsible from a higher perspective, then I should not care that they’re getting what they “deserve.” (I will admit when I personalize it from a 3D perspective, I do care).
I believe the law of attraction is the rule in this Game of Life. And that rule is what gives us justice for those who do the work to heal themselves. Since we all, in this present moment, have the same ability to choose different thoughts and think in different ways, it keeps us all equal in the present. The law of attraction means you attract based on your emotions & beliefs and it is difficult work to get a handle on that and have good emotional regulation.
The law of attraction doesn’t mean life will be easy. But you can make it much better by paying attention to your thoughts & not resisting your emotions. (By the way, immediately shifting your negative emotions onto someone else who you now see as a ”persecutor” is a form of evading those emotions. The left does that all of the time).
What is Cancel Culture?
Cancel Culture vs. Accountability Culture
I think I should define Cancel Culture here before starting in earnest. I made this picture about three years ago. People inside the Drama Triangle will want to “fight” or “stop” a “bad guy” whereas people outside of the Drama Triangle will want to move away and find a better environment to be in or work on a solution to their problem.
Cancel Culture is a culture in which people believe they should stop people when they run into an issue with them. You can “stop” someone by getting them fired, de-platformed, or harassing them into submission or suicide. And there may be many people reading this who say, “Yes! I want to stop them! What’s wrong with that?” I’ll get into it later in this article.
My Emotional Look at the Backlash
The first I heard of someone getting fired because of a social media post wishing Trump would have died was when I was writing my reaction to the Attempted Assassination article.
I was glad. Anyone wishing for the death of a person because of a difference of political views doesn’t belong in politics. Basically, anyone with TDS shows how biased and ruthless they are and that means they don’t believe in our justice system. If you can’t agree with the foundations of our political system, then you shouldn’t be there since you may very well be trying to break it apart from the inside out.
Next, I heard about a woman in South Dakota who was a behavioral facilitator at a school in Sioux Falls. Once again, I was glad. This job had a moral code and she said she would follow it, but due to her derangement, she failed and was terminated from the position. Her actions showed that she may not be mentally well enough to handle working with children, at least not in a public school setting. You wouldn’t want someone who wishes death to their perceived “enemies” to be teaching your children about how to behave in a social setting. She was derelict in her duties.
I believe doctors and nurses wishing death on others is also a red flag that they should not be in that position because of the Hippocratic oath and the potential of being derelict in their duties. Michael Allen gave out medical advice to help future assassins. I heard about this on Timcast at a later time.
Thirdly, I heard about a woman in Home Depot being harassed by someone who found out about her post online.
I’m guessing it was
who posted the original post that the man saw. But I do not know for sure. LibsofTikTok seemingly gloated about the woman being fired.This one went too far for me personally. Because this woman, who may be just as mentally unwell as the teacher and political staffer, is not in a position to misuse her job to hurt society in any way. As
wrote:I’ve spent the last few days reading justifications of what has happened to the Home Depot lady — who had lost her job before any of us even knew she existed. She was an old woman who probably made minimum wage, who worked on her feet, and whose only power over anyone was to, perhaps, send them to aisle 4 instead of aisle 15 for a can of wasp spray.
If she performs her job well, she should be employed. Her horrible beliefs, if they haven’t impacted her job so far, shouldn’t get her fired. I believe in a meritocracy. People should be able to keep a job so long as they keep their political opinions out of it. You should be able to have different beliefs so long as they don’t affect your work.
And, of course, I personalize it. I see how this could affect me. If we move into a society where both sides are attempting to get people fired for their thoughts and feelings on things, then I am liable to get fired, even if I keep my personal opinions out of the workplace.
Note: I understand that I currently live in a reality where I could be fired for my beliefs, but when the “right” was not geting people fired for wrong-think, then that practice looked abnormal and something that could go away one day. Now the “right” is attempting to normalize it as something that “sane” people do.
I live with a motto based on the golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you. I want people to not worry about being fired for opinions that don’t affect their work. Who would have thought the “right” would for thought crimes?
My personal desire is to have the ability to not bring my opinions to a workplace, do a good job, and not have to worry about being fired for what happens outside of work. Another motto of mine is to “be the change in the world you desire.” Getting people fired for wrong-think is not what I desire to see more of this world, and engaging in it will perpetuate the practice.
The political right, by engaging in this, is normalizing cancel culture, and as Mel says in her video on this topic, it’s showing the “left” that the “right” is just as bad as they (the left) think they (the right) are. Here is a small clip of her longer video: (I suggest playing the video at 2X or your preferred speed)
After the “right” engages in the same cancel culture, the left will feel absolutely certain that the “right” are evil persecutors. Because the “right” will be giving the “left” the proof that they’re evil by their over-reactions.
“The real action is in the enemy’s reaction.”
— Saul Alinsky
James Lindsay of
talks about this a lot. The woke left desires that those on the right overreact because it helps with their causes. When those on the “right” start getting people fired for wrong-think it normalizes it. That’s what those on the left want. They want a society in which people can be fired for not believing the same things and having different perspectives on whether a person is good or evil.If you fire someone for wishing Trump were assassinated, why couldn’t the boss of tomorrow fire someone for wishing Biden died of COVID? Those are morally bankrupt thoughts but they’re not illegal (yet) and they’re not calling for violence.
Wishing someone they didn’t like was dead has happened on both sides for quite some time, and will continue. There were plenty of Twitter/X posts like this right after Sheila Jackson Lee passed away. Not outright gloating but being pissy and not at all respectful. And, I understand not having respect for someone you believe to be racist and mean but people on all political sides say and think “mean” things. Do you really want to lose your job over it?
The “right” should not want those on the “left” to get that kind of power. Prior to the assassination attempt that sort of cancellation was abnormal and could have been fought in the legal system. We have to take different actions because it’s plain to see the leftist tactic of canceling people isn’t changing any minds.
“I’m somebody who wants change, not somebody who whines about wanting change all the time and turn around by their very behavior does everything they can to ensure change never happens.”
Mel (Truth Stream Media)
‘s article Right Wing Cancel Squads (and you’ve probably seen this before if you’ve been reading these sorts of articles):To this end, distasteful as it may seem, the liberal’s face must be pressed down into her own steaming pile of excrement. She must be made to taste it, and gag, and swallow nonetheless. She must be made to weep burning tears. She must be traumatized, and made to understand that this is what she did, that these are the rules of engagement that she established, that these are the consequences of loss in this awful game that she has forced all of us to play. She needs to beg for the game to end, for the rules to change.
People like John believe that tit-for-tat is how to get the rules to change. It’s not. That’s a limiting belief.
How do you know that hitting the other side back just as hard will change them?
Can you think of an example in history where that is true?
Could there be other ways to enact change?
Because the BLM rioters were feeling like “victims” they “fought back” by rioting, did it stop anything? Do they suddenly feel like they’re free to be equal today? Did they win?
Anytime the left has done something like this to their perceived “persecutor” it has never (that I can think of) worked out for them. And I believe that’s because they want to play victim and they love to lash out via the persecutor role and they don’t want to take personal responsibility for their own emotions and their own lives.
The Cycle Will Never End From Inside The Drama Triangle
And flipping back and forth between the two roles of “victim” and “persecutor” will never get you out of the Drama Triangle cycle. It just goes on and on and on and keeps things staying relatively the same regardless if there’s a different group in that authoritarian role. This short music video demonstrates that endless story.
The only way out is to see the world from outside of this Drama Triangle perspective. James Lindsay shared my old article (posted on Holly’s page) and called it “The Wizard’s Circle.” Seeing things only through the Drama Triangle perspective (or Wizard’s Circle) keeps you from seeing them from the outside (from a higher perspective or vantage point).
Seeing things while stuck in the Drama Triangle is like trying to escape a cornfield maze while being stuck inside of it (from the 3D perspective). But being outside of the Drama Triangle is like looking at a drone view or map of the maze. You can see much more easily how to navigate things with that higher perspective.
People stuck in fear and wrath are not thinking with the full capacity of their brains. I don’t want that to sound disrespectful. I’ve been there as well. But it’s a scientific fact that your brain cannot think as clearly from that emotional state. You’ll have all sorts of limiting beliefs and not be able to see the big picture if you’re in a state of fear or wrath.
The Drama Triangle Roles
Just a recap about the drama triangle before going further. Outside of the drama triangle people take personal responsibility and expect others to do so as well. Inside the drama triangle, people will play one of three roles and then shift between the others when they feel like it, which can be every few seconds.
Some people (such as social justice warriors) like to mostly play the “Savior” role to feel better about themselves. Others (such as BLM) like to mostly play the “Victim” role to get sympathy and money. I’ve written many articles on playing “savior” and “victim.” But, most people don’t like to play “persecutor” so I haven’t written about it as much.
From How To Break Free of the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness1 by Barry & Janae Weinhold, PhDs.
“The Persecutor is the bad-guy role in the Drama Triangle. Most people avoid it unless they have a need to vent “justified” negative feelings such as anger or rage. In these instances, they must identify some excuse to feel justified or right so they can express their negative feelings. Once they have a good reason for making someone bad, they can dump their repressed feelings. This is one of the Persecutor payoffs. Righteous indignation, the most common form of Persecutor behavior, puts others down by using guilt and shame. Here’s a summary of the Persecutor role.
Sets unnecessarily restrictive rules and limits.
Blames others for whatever happens.
Criticizes all actions of others.
Keeps the Victim oppressed.
Expresses justified and righteous anger.
Uses guilt and shame to put another person down.
Provokes conflict and drama.
Takes a rigid, authoritative stance.
Acts and sounds like a Critical Parent.
Comes from an I’m okay/good, you’re not okay/bad position.
The Payoff: They get to be right and therefore justified in releasing pentup emotions. The Persecutor role allows a player to remain in control and dominate others. When someone rejects the heavy-handed behavior and expresses justified anger in return, this catapults them into the Victim and Victim Consciousness.”
Those on the left, such as the BLM members, often feel as if they are “victims” in this world or society. They see someone or a system (ex. systemic racism) as a “persecutor” keeping them down in this “victim” role. When society changed enough that they believed it was now okay to vent their frustration, the riots started.
Did they damage the system that was keeping them down? Usually, they damaged stores in their own local environments making it more difficult for each other to buy supplies and food and making their own neighborhoods increasingly unsafe. They did not actually go after the people who they thought were keeping them down. They went after those who had no real power or any say.
BLM did not go after the people they thought had responsibility (the system). They went after the weak points (neighbors) to vent their frustration with their perceived powerlessness.
The “right” going after the (now ex-) Home Depot woman are doing the same thing.
wrote:In the first place, cancelling working normies accomplishes absolutely nothing in terms of killing the chicken to scare the monkey. They themselves have no power to cancel and no power to effect anyone else’s cancellation.
The “right” felt like “victims” to the “Woke left” (in some cases rightfully so), but rather than go after the exact people who were doing the canceling, they chose to go after the “normies” or “weak points” (neighbors) to vent frustrations with their perceived powerlessness.
This is also an example of responsibility shifting. The Home Depot lady was the scapegoat taking on all of the sins from the “woke left.” People wrote that if these low-level leftists lose their jobs it will somehow stop the “woke left” from continuing. But, they’re not the ones who are getting fired because of these actions.
I get it that people think that maybe the leftists will think twice in the future, but we’re talking about people stuck in the Drama Triangle. The “Woke Leftists” live inside the Drama Triangle perspective. They don’t take responsibility. If they start getting attacked by people they already consider “persecutors” they will just turn the triangle over again and play “victim.”
How do you get someone to take personal responsibility?
You don’t.
If you are trying to get someone to “wake up” out of the drama triangle, you’re viewing them as a “victim” of it and yourself as a “savior.” All the people who are pro-canceling “leftists” for their nasty remarks are trying to “save our society” and “win the fight.”
The picture above was in the article “Win the Fight” by
. There is this belief that those against the “cancel culture” are naïve. I have written about how the use of the term naïve is a sign that the user views him- or herself as a “savior” (smarter). in his article To Cancel the Cancellers also wrote:No one has even accused the fireman and the Home Depot woman of themselves advocating cancellation in the past, so this isn’t even really any kind of vengeance. They are working people who stepped into a domain in which they had little power- social media- and made statements that were, on that day at least, unpopular with enough people to get them negative attention they otherwise would never have received. It’s their powerlessness that made them targets. Now their children will go hungry because they said something dumb on X.
Getting a woman terminated from Home Depot for her opinions is like getting mad at the New York Times and punching the paper boy.
I agree there needs to be action against a direct attack. But as I’ve already pointed out getting a woman fired from Home Depot is not an attack against the Woke Cancelers. It’s responsibility shifting. It’s misdirected energy.
I’ve written about how climate activists try to “save the world” and with all of their efforts they make it literally worse. What you resist persists. As you focus hate energy on something you focus in on it and make it much larger. The better solution is to focus your time and energy on what you want, not what you don’t want.
Vying For the Persecutor Position
Mel talked about people from the left and right switching places but always taking on the role of “victim” or “persecutor.” (my words in quotes) Those playing “victim” are always vying for the authoritarian “persecutor” role because of a strong desire for vengeance. The BLM riots were because people felt like they needed to get back at the system they felt was keeping them down. Many on the “right” feel they have “righteous anger.”
’s article Right Wing Cancel Squads:This long chain of egregious abuse by the left is why, while a few express uneasiness or even disgust at the treatment of that Home Depot lady, most are fresh out sympathy ... and in fact, this brief taste has awakened a ravenous hunger for more. This is not only vindictiveness, although I freely admit that it that there is quite a bit of that.
And I can understand the anger that comes from being unfairly fired. In this case, I think it’s misdirected anger. And those on the left believe they have righteous anger as well. They think they have excellent reasons for their anger too. Saviors always think they’re being righteous and bringing justice into the world.
Now I’ve Got You, You Son of a Bitch
In Games People Play2, Eric Berne, MD. writes about the transactional games that humans play with each other, one of which is Now I’ve Got You, You Son of a Bitch. Here is a bit from that page explaining the game:
White needed some plumbing fixtures installed, and he reviewed the costs very carefully with the plumber before giving him a go-ahead. The price was set, and it was agreed that there would be no extras. When the plumber submitted his bill, he included a few dollars extra for an unexpected valve that had to be installed – about four dollars on a four-hundred-dollar job. White became infuriated, called the plumber on the phone and demanded an explanation. The plumber would not back down. White wrote him a long letter criticizing his integrity and ethics and refused to pay the bill until the extra charge was withdrawn. The plumber finally gave in.
It soon became obvious that both White and the plumber were playing games. In the course of their negotiations, they had recognized each other’s potentials. The plumber made his provocative move when he submitted his bill. Since White had the plumber’s word, the plumber was clearly in the wrong. White now felt justified in venting almost unlimited rage against him.
Instead of merely negotiating in a dignified way that befitted the Adult standards he set for himself, perhaps with a little innocent annoyance, White took the opportunity to make extensive criticisms of the plumber’s whole way of living… White was exploiting his trivial but socially defensible objection (position) to vent the pent-up furies of many years of his cozening opponent, just as his mother might have done in a similar situation. He quickly recognized his underlying attitude (NIGYSOB) and realized how secretly delighted he had been at the plumber’s provocation. He then recalled that ever since early childhood he had looked for similar injustices, received them with delight and exploited them with the same vigor. In many of the cases he recounted, he had forgotten the actual provocation, but remembered in great detail the course of the ensuing battle. The plumber, apparently, was playing some variation of ‘Why Does This Always Happen to Me?’ (WAHM).
Now that some people on the right think that they have a socially defensible objection they’re trying to release pent-up fury from when they felt like victims. The left and right both do this and they switch roles whenever some new event comes up and the mood shifts in our society. But it will be never-ending unless people start taking personal responsibility and step away from the tit-for-tat, eye-for-an-eye fight.
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I know the people who think this is alright are experiencing emotions like wrath, schadenfreude, or fear that their side will lose if we don’t fight back. I’m not saying to not fight back. I’m saying this (cancel culture) isn’t a winning move.
Suing companies, working through our election process, and a variety of other choices are all out there. But people who are steeped in fear or wrath cannot see the other options. They feel as if there is no other way forward. As I’ve written that is a limiting belief that’s worth breaking.
Some Extra Comments
Here I will just go through and give a few comments on things I’ve seen written on this topic in the last few days.
‘s article Right Wing Cancel Squads:For all the hand-wringing over the Home Depot lady’s firing, I suspect a lot of her coworkers sighed with relief when they got the news that they would no longer have to dance around her tender sensibilities in the lunch room.
The idea that the Home Depot lady’s coworkers are celebrating is pure speculation and I think it’s clear there is motivated reasoning (a ravenous vindictiveness sans sympathy) to try to come up with reasons why the firing was okay and ignore reasons why it may not be okay.
“We don’t beat cancel culture by cancelling in turn. We beat it by becoming uncancellable, and we do that not by hating and further terrorizing our degenerate enemies, but by loving one another in true fellowship.”
Yes, we need to look for other solutions and focus our energy on those things. I’ve written about why Communism can’t work, and focused on the fact that those who are steeped in negative emotions (like the Woke) are, they can’t see solutions. The solutions will always come from people who have a higher vibrational mindset.
On that note, I ran into this short clip from TimCast where Tim Pool says that because of natural selection if everyone anti-woke just took personal responsibility and focused on improving themselves, we would end up over time winning the “culture war.” You can watch the clip below.
If you focus on diet and exercising it can also help to relieve past trauma. It’s good for PTSD and overall one side would be more put-together emotionally, mentally, and physically and would inevitably overpower the other side naturally. The ideas of the “right” would start to rule without forcing it.
’s journal Friday, July 19 2024“What I have gleaned from it is that the right is full of retards who still don’t understand political warfare. I’ve been writing about the woke communists for a long time, so all of this is basic information to me, but here it is again for the retards:
The woke communists do not care about being “nice,” nor do they care about being “moral,” or “above it all,” or any of the other bullshit being spewed by the gaslighting morons on the right. They care only about winning and subjecting you to their evil ideology. Toward that end, they will say and do anything.
Ergo, it falls to anyone with common sense to turn their tactics against them. This is to punish them hard, as hard as possible, and to teach them to stop the cancel culture bullshit. There is no other way to reach these people.”
Calling people “Retards” is the same as calling them “naïve,” it’s a sign that the user views him- or herself as a “savior” (smarter). Just because you can’t think of this from another perspective and see a different solution, doesn’t mean you’re a “retard.”
On another note, I mentioned the quote by Nietzsche concerning becoming a monster. I am not someone who will dehumanize anyone and call another person a “monster.” I don’t use terms like “retard” etc.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
―Friedrich W. Nietzsche
It’s just a good quote that means when you focus in on something you hate, it gets larger, and you can become addicted to it and it can be difficult to pull yourself away from it. Choose what you focus on wisely.
Before people started terrorizing Home Depot workers and the like, Tenacious D’s concerts were getting canceled, allegedly because their insurance wouldn’t cover them any longer (in case someone came in and retaliated for the Trump-Birthday Wish joke). There was already a shift happening. We don’t need to force it. Forcing it won’t work anyway.
Did the Home Depot woman want to nail your grandparents to a cross? Why is there a picture of Kathy Griffen with a fake Trump head? The Home Depot woman is not Kathy Griffen. This is just responsibility shifting and making up fake examples. It’s trying to make a logical argument but since it uses logical fallacies it turns into a farce.
My Final Thoughts
A Solution Exists
There is a solution out there, but from inside of the drama triangle being led by difficult-to-deal-with feelings, you won’t see it. You have to ask questions to get free from that limited perspective to see how there is another way out of this.
We Need To Stay Stong In Our Values In Difficulties
If you say you believe in free speech, you have to stand for it when people say things you hate. Otherwise, you don’t believe in free speech at all. Do you want to be free to think in ways that contradict other people’s beliefs and not be fired for it? You have to stand for the people with whom you disagree on their right to not be fired or we will never get to that society.
I Was There Once
I was stuck in a Drama Triangle Mindset most of my life. It’s been a process breaking away from it. I did so because I wanted to be free. I know what it’s like to have events and other people change my emotions and keep me spiritually blinded. I know what it’s like to be in bondage to those who make me angry and to what I fear. But by accepting and taking control of your emotions and thoughts, you can find a freedom you never knew existed and see things that others don’t. Now, you might get called naïve or a retard if you do. But at least you won’t care any longer.
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